49. The High House by Jessie Greengrass
A sobering look at the perils of ignoring climate change, this book is told from the POVs of 3 characters as they shift back and forth in time during the years when climate devastation becomes irreversible. Britain is flooded, but a house on a hill - prepared in advance by a scientist mom for her son and stepdaughter - is a refuge for four people. There are no happy endings here. Life is a never-ending struggle. But there is joy here too, especially in young Pauly’s love of birds and his optimism. I didn’t like the author’s choice to not use traditional character dialogue - she’s not Cormac McCarthy, I mean, c’mon - and the passive voice was, I thought, a strange choice. Overall though, interesting and thought-provoking.
Dates Read: May 25 to 27, 2022
4 out of 5 stars
255 pages
Goodreads Around the Year Challenge 16 - related to Earth Day
LJ AlphaBook Challenge - “H”
Four Moon Challenge 17 - written by an author you’ve never read before