Let's Get Healthy Check-In -- Week 13

Apr 29, 2022 12:34

Holy smokes, Week 13 already!

Well, I am super proud of myself this week. I watched what I ate, even when I was at my sister's, and I went on three walks and did my stationary bike, and I not only lost what I had gained last week but I lost more as well, for a total of 5 pounds lost! Woot Woot! I'm actually a little bit glad that gain happened, because it showed me that I can absolutely come back from it. And that's good, because regular life doesn't stop. Amy and I are planning a lunch out next week, for example, and I just know that I have to accommodate for that in other ways. Anyway, happy Sev today!

Also, I tried veggie bologna. 20 calories per slice, and soooooo good! I'd venture to say it's better than regular bologna. Next time I'm at the grocery store I'm going to pick up the veggie ham, I think.

How did everyone else do?

lets get healthy: check in, lets get healthy: food

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