New Computer EEEE

Mar 10, 2022 14:04

So, this year I got a tax refund. I don't even know. I was absolutely certain that I would have to pay because of being technically self-employed now, but my brother-in-law equally insisted that I would get money back. And lo and behold, he was right. EEEE!

My computer is many, many, many years old. It sounds like a freight train, and I've had the dreaded Blue Screen of Death twice. Prior to the ATRoG (Amazing Tax Refund of Glee) I was planning to just shoulder on until it died an inevitable slow and painful death, but the arrival of the ATRoG means that I can now get a new one. Right now. EEEE!

So I spent some time today searching various websites. So much refurbished stuff these days! It's hard to find something that's new and not a fortune. I did finally narrow it down to 2 options, one at Staples and one at Best Buy. Then I called my friend and ex-co-worker, Ben, who I call my Tech Support. He went through the options, pointed out something I'd missed/didn't understand on the Staples one that made it ineligible, and gave the tick of approval to the Best Buy one. He also sourced some speakers for me. So, the order has been placed and the computer will be sent in the next few days. Thank you, Ben and the ATRoG! EEEE!

Now I've got to email myself anything I need, like writing I haven't posted and such. I guess my images like the LJ AlphaBook bingo one. Gonna just go through everything, I guess.

OH. And thanks to justjo2u who posted the heads-up that DW backups seem to be working today. I am giving it a shot. It currently says that tags have loaded successfully and journal entries are waiting in the queue. I guess that's a good sign? Does anybody know if I can still comment on my DW while the import is going on?

friends, fucking technology, livejournal, dreamwidth

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