Another good one!

Mar 06, 2022 16:30

23. The Call by Peadar O'Guilin

Thousands of years ago, the Irish banished the Sidhe to the grey lands. 25 years ago, the Sidhe broke through. They shroud the island with fog and have the ability to "call" teens through to their lands. The kids are gone for 3 minutes in our time, but a full day passes in the grey lands. If they can avoid being captured, they'll return alive. If they're captured, the Sidhe enjoy twisting them into horrible shapes. I was rather surprised to find this shelved in the teen section in my local library, because the things the Sidhe due to their captives are seriously, well, twisted. (Yes, I went there.) It's a fast-paced story featuring Nessa, a girl whose legs are weakened by polio who is determined not to let her disability prevent her from escaping when her Call comes. Both the action in the grey lands and the struggles Nessa faces at her boarding school kept my interest. In fact, I couldn't put the book down, and ending up staying up until 3am to finish it. Highly recommended!

Date Read: March 05

5/5 stars
307 pages

Goodreads Around the Year Challenge 34 - academic setting
Prompt-A-Month March - "Luck of the Irish"
Goodreads Spring Challenge - "arpeggio"


reading challenge: prompt a month, author: p, reading challenge: goodreads

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