101 Things in 1001 Days, Weeks 33 to 34

Mar 06, 2022 13:42

I was away last weekend so this is a two week update, but not much to report. Still going fairly steady on a couple of usuals, with a drop off in a couple others. Also, puzzle!

Weeks 33 to 34 - February 20 to March 05, 2022

In Progress

22. Complete 9 jigsaw puzzles. (08/09)
* I finally made some time for puzzling and finished my 2nd Christmas present puzzle of Esther the Wonder Pig!

77. Write 75,000 words in 2022. (10379/75,000)
* Wrote 1141 words.

81. Bike 20 minutes 3x/week for 2 months. (15/24)
* 02-21-22 - Biked 20 mins/4.7 kms
* 02-22-22 - Biked 20 mins/4.6 kms
* 02-25-22 - Biked 20 mins/4.8 kms
* 03-01-22 - Biked 30 mins/7.6 kms
* 03-02-22 - Biked 20 mins/4.8 kms
* 03-03-22 - Biked 20 mins/4.8 kms

91. Take 6 free online courses (0/6)
* Took 3 more assignments in the first course.

92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at freerice.com (170,000/500,000)
* Donated 8,000 grains of rice.

100. Complete 52 Week Savings Challenge (09/52)
* Weeks 8 and 9 complete.

101 things in 1001 days

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