This has somehow turned into a strange, time twisty day. I got up in the morning and had my first set of laundry going within the hour. I had lunch. Sometime in the early afternoon I started to get an upset stomach, which resulted in multiple trips to the bathroom. I finished the laundry and got it all folded and put away, and made the bed with the fresh sheets. I know that I glued my latest puzzle together and put it in a frame. Then... it was suddenly 7:30pm? Then I was bringing up the Pepsi that Amy and her hubby picked up for me and Amy started helping carry it up the stairs, and then we sat and chatted for like, 2 hours, so I get how it's now 9:47pm, but also HOW IS IT 9:47PM?
Ah well. There's todays plans, flying out the window.
Catch up! I finished puzzle #9 overall, another cats on bookcases themed one that I have framed and tomorrow will hang below the other one. Loving this theme I'm starting for the office! I also joined a puzzle group on FB -- I only just got FB a few months ago because it was the only way to be able to see the HEEFS Barnside Chats -- and they run a winter secret santa style puzzle exchange. So I joined up and got my puzzle from that, this one:
I have never done a 1000-piece puzzle, the pieces are quite small, and it's very busy (but pretty.) It looks challenging, but I'm going to give it the ol' college try!
I also finished Book #89 the other day,
89. Bay City Babylon by Wayne Coy
An unofficial look at the Bay City Rollers that I thankfully got for free with my KU subscription. First, the formatting is horrid. The punctuation is horrid. I work as a transcriptionist and this has all the earmarks of a bad transcription by a human or an AI transcript badly edited by a human. The story itself not only doesn't share anything new, but also randomly drops in one-liners as though expecting the reader to fill in the blanks. There's a line about "Derek's court date"; another about Alan "believing he's a millionaire," and no explanation about either of these things. The entire thing is all surface and no depth, but I guess that's what happens when you just string together the info from old articles and interviews and call it a book.
2/5 stars
239 pages
Books Read: 89/85
Total Page Count: 27935 pages
Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
Popsugar Challenge: 50/50
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo Hallowe'en Challenge: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12
The person who decided to start reading the Demon Cycle series at the same time as me returned the third book to the library, so I quickly snatched it up. Now I'm starting that monster. Kobo gives an estimate of how long the book will take to read which I find is pretty accurate. The estimate for this one is 17 hours. Yeek!
Thank you to
tinnean and
persnickett for the super cute Christmas cards!