Sunday Update

Dec 12, 2021 17:21

Oskee Wee Wee!
Oskee Wa Wa!
Holy Mackinaw!
Tigers, Eat 'Em Raw!!

That's the cheer for my local Canadian Football League team, the Tiger Cats. Nope, I have no idea what it means, either. But it's Grey Cup Sunday and the Ticats are in the finals, and it's being held in my hometown, so I guess that means I gotta cheer. Go Ticats!

Some changes, some wins and some fails on this week's 101 List...

Week 22 - December 05 to 11, 2021

In Progress

12. Watch 5 new-to-me series
* I found an old British renovation series on Prime called "Build a New Life in the Country". It's about people buying old run down properties - I'm talking 300 year old churches and such - and converting them, usually by themselves on a laughable budget that the people are nonetheless absolutely CERTAIN is going to be more than enough. It's quite fun. I've watched Season One and four episodes of Season Two. There are five seasons in total.

14. Watch The Real World series
* Watched 4 episodes of Season 21

68. Donate $5 to HEEFS for every failed goal.
* Donated $10 for two failed 2021 goals.

75. Write to seniors.
* The city library is running a postcards for seniors campaign this holiday season, and advertised a few nursing homes in the city that wanted to participate. There were no names or personalization. I picked four nursing homes from the list and wrote out 5 notecards each. But what I really had in mind for this goal was something more personal, which relates back to the website I found last week with specific seniors who wanted correspondence. I'll be doing those letters today/this week.

92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at (119,000/500,000)
* Donated 3,000 grains of rice this week. I paused this week because my grains donated aren't accumulating. Waiting to get confirmation from freerice that the donation is still being calculated even though my count isn't going up.


26. Work on something creative monthly in 2021 (6/6)
* Started a new puzzle.


28 to 30 - These were previously blank. I decided to separate my goal of "do something creative monthly" by years just to make it easier to track.

53 to 56 - These were previously blank. I decided to separate my goal of "post one 5-star book monthly on ATY Best Book of the Month thread" by years just to make it easier to track.


61. 2021 - Get Visa to [secret]
* Not only did I fail miserably at this, I actually raised the amount owing. *sigh*

90. Go for a walk 2x a week for 2 years (non-consecutive)
* I've chosen to end this one because it's just too painful. I'm at the stage where I either need to see the doctor again to discuss surgery or look into getting a walker. Either way, forcing myself to lurch down the street on bad back days is not a good thing.


I've also finally finished the second book in the Demon Cycle series. The first 25% of the book realllly slowed me down, but ultimately I loved the thing. Unfortunately, somebody else in the city decided to read the series at the same time as me, so the final three books are checked out of the library. I must be patient!

88. Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett

The second book in the Demon Cycle series takes us back to the beginning, detailing the growth from childhood to adulthood of the Krasian leader, Jardir, and his khaffit friend, Abban. Fully 25% of the book is taken up by their history. It's hard to explain, but it's both interesting and kind of a slog to get through, I think because most of it didn't seem relevant to the story to come. Once we rejoin Arlen and friends, the book picks up and becomes a rollicking action ride. Arlen tries to deal with the changes being the "warded man" has brought to his life and soul. We meet Renna again. Rojer and Leesha both need to deal with the Krasians and Jardir, who has styled himself as the Deliverer and is laying siege to the Free Cities. I may not always agree with the character's actions, but it sure is fun being along for the ride. FWIW, it took me the same amount of time to read the last 75% of the novel as it did the first 25%, which is why it gets a 5-star rating from me.

5/5 stars
609 pages

Books Read: 88/85
Total Page Count: 27696 pages

Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
Popsugar Challenge: 50/50
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo Hallowe'en Challenge: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12

Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying a nice weekend!

tv: the real world, author: p, sports: football, creativity, reading: no prompt, health, heefs, tv: build a new life in the country

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