
Sep 09, 2021 22:14

So, the other day we got the call that Helen's organs were failing. Rushed to the hospital but she hung on. Had a long talk with the doc who, when I asked him to just bluntly tell us how long, said in his estimation Helen has a week to live. Helen was always of the "do all the things to keep me alive" mindset and we've obeyed her wishes, but now she is in such organ failure that there is no way back. So, we made the decision to change her to DNR. She is still on painkillers so that she's resting as comfortably as she can. I am hopeful to get down to see her again on Saturday, but sometimes I think it would just be better to get a call sooner rather than later.

Today I managed to work (first time this week, paycheque is gonna suck) and I am still reading before bed because reading takes the mind off things. Thus, book 66, which was a good'un.

66. One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus

Take the jock, the princess, the weird girl, the geek and the criminal and set them in detention. No, it's not The Breakfast Club. Because the geek in this case is a malicious asshole who runs a gossip app and he ends up dead ten minutes into detention. When the police suspect foul play, the four remaining students are the only viable suspects, even more so because the geek was about to let loose with some gossip that could cause all four of them trouble with family, school, and their futures. Though the students barely knew each other beforehand, they join forces… first, for support against a student body that mostly turns on them, and then to try to ferret out the killer.

This is a great story. Each of the characters has a very distinctive voice and motivations. I really loved the realistic changes that each one went through, and found myself cheering them on. I've been out of high school a loooong time, but all of the school interactions still felt so real to me. I think probably the school 'types' don't change all that much with the generations! A really interesting page-turner.

5/5 stars
Popsugar Challenge 04 - dark academia
LJ Hallowe'en Book Bingo 04 - loves a good mystery
360 pages

Books Read: 66/85
Popsugar Challenge: 41/50
LJ Book Bingo Hallowe'en Challenge: 02/09

Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12

Total Page Count: 20326 pages


reading challenge: popsugar, reading challenge: book bingo, family, author: k

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