Take a look at the little clipart I am using to mark off my books on
ljbookbingo's Hallowe'en Bingo card. :D
65. Hellfire by John Saul
My aunt used to have piles of John Saul books at her cottage, and I remember reading quite a few in my youth. The vague memories that I had of his books were not good, and my memory did not deceive me. This novel of a haunted mill has mustache-twirling villains, overwrought characters/scenes/prose, and nonsensical motivations (I can only hope that the parents in the book are written as though they are good parents when in fact they are absolutely horrible examples of parenting because 'it had to be that way for the plot to work' - a stupid reason, but at least a literary one - and not because Mr. Saul actually believes that good parents behave the way these ones do.) So ridiculously over the top.
And it's not even creepy.
1/5 stars
Popsugar Challenge 44 - ugliest cover on TBR list
LJ Hallowe'en Book Bingo 07 - classic horror
384 pages
Books Read: 65/85
Popsugar Challenge: 40/50
LJ Book Bingo Hallowe'en Challenge: 01/09
Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12
Total Page Count: 19966 pages