Where did that week go?

May 29, 2021 19:34

It was a busy one! I did a whole bunch of spring cleaning type stuff, read another book, and did a lot of work. Today it has caught up with me because I am soooooooo tired and my back hurts. My goal was to work tonight because it is an American holiday on Monday and since the place I get my files from is American, there probably won't be any work on Monday. But... tiiiiiiiired. Sorrrrrrre. Whine, whine, whine. I can work tomorrow. *nods so much*

Another book!

33. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

A teenager struggles to survive and fulfil a promise amidst an alien invasion.

The inhabitants of an alien ship initiate a series of 'waves' (plague, floods) to wipe out humanity, leaving groups of survivors struggling to survive, among them 16-year-old Cassie and her 5-year-old brother Sammy. When Sammy is taken by some soldiers, Cassie discovers not all is what it seems and promises to find him.

This book had a promising start and a really well-written and fast-paced ending that knew just how to ratchet up the tension. Unfortunately, the middle is quite the muddle. There the focus is mostly on Cassie, as she teams with a suspicious newcomer named Evan; and Ben, Cassie's one-time unrequited high school crush, who ends up with Sammy at an army installation. The problem is that Cassie (and Ben, but to a lesser extent) are set up to be smart and capable. So when they can't see what is clearly going on, as a reader it just gets frustrating because now they seem like complete idiots. IMO, a good writer lets a reader sometimes get a step ahead of the characters, so that the reader suspects what's going on. The big reveal is then very cathartic, whether they were right or wrong. "Aha, I knew it!" or "Ooh, I didn't see that coming at all!" In this book the reader is 17 steps ahead of the characters. It's annoying. And the ridiculous middle section of the plot didn't help. No way these things would ever happen. Nope.

On the positive side, I really did enjoy both the beginning and the end, and I also felt that Yancey got the voice of Sammy down perfectly.

3/5 stars
Goodreads Challenge 15 - siblings as main characters
Popsugar Challenge 40 - fave prompt from past challenge (told from multiple POVs)
457 pages

Books Read: 33/60
Goodreads Challenge: 33/52
Popsugar Challenge: 15/50
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
Total Page Count: 10480 pages

reading challenge: popsugar, health, reading challenge: goodreads, work, author: r

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