More Reading Prompts!

May 31, 2021 11:53

So, back towards the end of 2020 when I was setting up my Goodreads Challenge and making pretty pages in my not-a-bullet-journal, I looked for the Popsugar Challenge that I had done a previous year. (Last year? The year before? They all blend together.) I couldn't find anything and just figured that they weren't doing it for 2021. Until yesterday, when I saw that their prompt list had been posted... in March. (I don't know if it also went up before that, but the post I saw was dated mid-March. I just.)

Since I'm ahead on my reading goal (go me) I thought that adding more prompts now can't hurt! So, here's the Popsugar 2021 prompt list. I went back and filled books I've already read for some of the prompts, so I've got 15 ticked off already. Looking forward to seeing how many from this list I can tackle.

Popsugar Reading Challenge 2021

01. A book published in 2021
02. An afrofuturist book
03. A book that has a heart, diamond, club or spade on the cover
04. By an author who shares your zodiac sign
05. dark academia

06. with gem, mineral or rock in title
07. main character works at your dream job
08. Women's Prize for Fiction winner
09. with a family tree
10. bestseller from the 1990's

11. about forgetting
12. seen on someone's bookshelf
13. locked-room mystery
14. genre hybrid
15. set mostly or entirely outdoors

16. something broken on the cover
17. oxymoron in the title
18. by a Muslim author
19. published anonymously
20. about do-overs or fresh starts

21. magical realism
22. set in multiple countries
23. set somewhere you'd like to visit in 2021
24. by a blogger/vlogger or other online personality
25. title starts with Q, X or Z

26. featuring three generations
27. about a social justice issue
28. set in a restaurant
29. with a black and white cover
30. by an indigenous author

31. same title as a song
32. about a subject you are passionate about
33. discusses body positivity
34. found on a BLM reading list
35. different format than you normally read

36. fewer than 1000 reviews on Amazon or Goodreads
37. a book you think your best friend would like
38. about art or an artist
39. a book everyone seems to have read but you
40. prompt from past Popsugar challenge (multiple POVs)

To-Be-Read Challenge List

41. longest book on TBR list
42. shortest book on TBR list
43. prettiest cover on TBR list
44. ugliest cover on TBR list
45. on TBR list for the longest time

46. book you meant to read last year but didn't
47. book you associate with a favourite person, place, or thing
48. from TBR list chosen at random
49. DNF book from TBR list
50. free book from TBR list

Hope all is well for everyone.

reading challenge: popsugar

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