Welcome to February!

Feb 02, 2020 00:07

I was reading a thread on Twitter in which everyone was complaining that January took forever to get through. Personally, I think it flew by. And now it's February and a leap year, which means that traditionally a woman can ask a man to marry her. And if he refuses he's supposed to buy her a silk dress, I believe. I wonder if I could convince someone to shell out for the equivalent in Amazon gift cards?

Getting Structure in my days has been working. I've been getting up early, getting everything I need to get done accomplished early. Today I start writing again. Now I just need to continue this pattern.

And of course I got another book read. Yay me!

Speaking of reading: I put my reviews and such on Goodreads, and I belong to the Goodreads Reading Challenge group so I use the group map and post what I've done for each category, etc. Is anyone on my flist on Goodreads? I know some of you are for sure! Do you want to be friends over there? If so, let me know what your Goodreads name is. Mine is just Severina. This is my BookShelf page. Though I've been there a year I still don't know much about the site so I can't figure out how to get to or use a main page.

Anyway, here's the latest review.

08. Before The Fall by Noah Hawley

The only survivors of a private plane crash are the four year old son of a multi-millionaire and the penniless artist who saved his life. They deal with the aftermath while federal agents and an unscrupulous newsman all dig for their versions of the truth behind the crash.

Scott is a painter who has spent the last year getting his life in order and rediscovering his muse. When he befriends Maggie, young wife of the owner of a right-wing 24-hour news station, she invites him to hitch a ride on their private plane from Martha's Vineyard to New York. When the plane crashes eighteen minutes into the flight, Scott manages to save JJ, Maggie's son. The remaining 9 passengers and crew all perish.

The book starts with the plane crash and a harrowing, exceedingly well written look at Scott's rescue of the boy. Subsequent chapters go back and forth in time. In the aftermath of the crash, Scott is alternately named a hero or a villain depending on who you choose to believe. One of the investigators believes him utterly; another thinks that his paintings, which focus on natural disasters, may be a link between him and the crash; and the 'Fox News' of this piece just throws up all kinds of innuendo about him and the other passengers, stating that the crash must have been an act of terrorism.

Hawley also takes us back in time, devoting a chapter to each of the passengers. It's through these glimpses - when the passengers are briefly the stars of their own story - that we see how everything ties together. It's a brilliant piece of writing.

4.5/5 stars
Goodreads Challenge 30 - on NYT 100 Notable Books List
Popsugar Challenge 35 - three word title
390 pages

Books Read: 8/85
Goodreads Challenge: 8/52
Popsugar Challenge: 8/40
Total Pages Read: 2838 pages

Hope everyone is set to take February by the horns!

author: n, reading challenge: popsugar, goodreads, reading challenge: goodreads

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