It's all about that structure

Jan 28, 2020 22:47

Day One of learning to structure my days went well! I went to bed early and got up at 8am. Did some reading, job hunting, and a couple fun things and had it all done early. Maybe I will get the hang of this 'sleeping at night and getting up at a regular hour like a normal person' thing after all.

One thing I found a bit worrying today is that I got a progress report on a couple of the jobs I'd applied for. (I am using to job hunt.) One of the tidbits they give you is how many people applied for the job. There were *138 people* on one and *148* on the other. That... is a lot of people. I have had a brief panic attack thinking just how hard it may be to find something suitable. HOWEVER, I do still have my little pension money coming in so I... should be okay. Yes.

*deep cleansing breath*

I had lunch yesterday with one of my old coworkers. We're going to try to make it a monthly thing, which may be difficult at first because he has his first child coming in February. I brought a soon-to-be-baby a little gift, including a onesie that says "I'm proof that Daddy doesn't JUST play video games". That couldn't have been more perfect if I'd designed it myself.

One more book!
07. Snap by Belinda Bauer

A pregnant mother reluctantly leaves her children in a broken down car as she goes to make an emergency call. Three years later, another young pregnant woman finds a knife on her bedside table with a note that says "I could have killed you".

Before 11 year old Jack's heavily pregnant mom leaves their stalled car to head down a busy highway on foot, she puts Jack in charge of his siblings, 9 year old Joy and 2 year old Merry. She doesn't return, their father has a breakdown, and three years later Jack is still trying to be in charge. In another part of town, Catharine While is heading into her eighth month of pregnancy when her house is broken into and a threatening note left on the table by her bed. And then there's a London cop whose been sent to their small English country town as punishment for a transgression. Their stories and those of others become entwined in this beautifully plotted, exquisitely written novel that illustrates what makes people 'snap', what happens next, and how they recover (if they do.)

All of the characters are brilliantly individual, with their own quirks and cadences. The plotting is intricate - not confusing, simply laid out so perfectly that each new revelation makes complete sense yet still gives that 'aaaaaah' feeling of surprise followed by 'sooo clever', if you know what I mean. I honestly felt joy just being able to read something this.damn.good.

5/5 stars
Goodreads Challenge 42 - literary prize winner
Popsugar Challenge 19 - only words on cover
335 pages

Books Read: 7/85
Goodreads Challenge: 7/52
Popsugar Challenge: 7/40
Total Pages Read: 2448

reading challenge: popsugar, author: b, friends, reading challenge: goodreads, job hunting

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