
Nov 11, 2018 18:16

"Vacation, all I ever wanted...."

YAY! I have the next week off! Granted, it's more like a Staycation coz who can afford to go away these days, but it's just what I need. Still struggling with my physical limitations but I have ten days off and I am determined to get my head on straight during this time.

To that end, I started a bullet journal! (What is a bullet journal, you ask? You can get a quick run-down here.) I am a big fan of To Do Lists and then I have all these other papers lying around with Books Lists, and To Buy Lists, and Reading Stuff and Writing Prompts and and and. *whew* A bullet journal seemed a good way to combine all these things into one, and make it pretty while I was at it. I just started it today -- it took a few hours to set up -- and I didn't use all the ideas listed in the guide (linked above), but I'm quite happy with it. And I'm hoping it will motivate me to stay on track!

Other than being all organizational, I spent the first two days of my vacay a. chatting to Snick, b. lunching with my sisters, and c. going to see Bohemian Rhapsody. (And if you've heard bad things about that movie, IGNORE THEM AND GO SEE IT. It's phenomenal. Our packed audience clapped at the end.)

OH. And on my last day at work, I saw a possum! Couldn't get a pic because I left my phone inside, but he was darned cute.

BOOKS. I have read more books. No reviews this time, but here's the
57. Blood Fury by JR Ward
58. The Thief by JR Ward
59. Beneath the Scars by Cherise Sinclair
60. 13 Bullets by David Wellington
61. Method 15/33 by Shannon Kirk
62. Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
63. Archangel's Prophecy by Nalini Singh
64. Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh

7 weeks left in the year, and 16 more books to read to meet my goal. I CAN DO THIS.

author: n, author: i, author: c, vacation, movie: bohemain rhapsody, author: d, author: s, health, bullet journal, author: j, snick

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