2018 Catch-All

Dec 23, 2018 09:04

Hi folks! Since 2018 is drawing to a close, I figured I should do a catch-all post so that I can start 2019 with renewed vigor and a determination to stay on track and not let months go by without an update (or without checking in on all of your excellent posts!) While I am still struggling with my degenerated disc disease, haven't been online much and haven't done ANY writing, I have been s l o w l y reconnecting in other aspects of my life.

First, I bought two new bookcases, put them together (now THAT was an adventure) and then set them up with pretty boxes to hold office supplies. You can see that I'm also a CD holdout so the little bookcases holds those. Ipod? Music on a cellphone? What's that? Meanwhile, our downstairs neighbour Jocelyn is a massive fan of Christmas, so she decorated the outside of our house with many lights. I put up and decorated my little Christmas tree -- love it! -- and went shopping. I was most proud of myself last Wednesday, when I walked around for a good two hours without needing to stop to sit down. (Granted, by the time I sat down I was in agony, but still.) We've also had many little visitors, including blue jays, bunnies, and a wild turkey.

My new bookcases. I also went through my photo albums and framed a bunch of family and friend photos.

Our house.


My adorable tree.

Part of my Christmas shopping was done online, and.. well.. I also bought a present for meeeee! I mentioned in my last post how much I love Esther the pig, and when I saw this winter toque on her webpage I HAD to have it. To my surprise I also got some freebies with my package -- some stickers and a photo of Esther and her two dads. THEN when I tweeted my thanks I got two separate replies -- one from Steve and one from the beautiful pig herself, LOL. (And look, even the BOX is adorable.)

Esther and her dads, Steve and Derek. :)

Hoofprints! LOL

The hat. SO CUTE.

One thing that has made me happy this year is seeing so much generosity. I get off the bus in the heart of downtown, and on multiple occasions I have seen people who've set up a little table in the park and are giving out free coffee and pizza; a group of young college-age kids handing out free hot chocolate to the homeless (and apparently to anyone who looks like they're freezing, as I was offered one too!); and knitted scarves and gloves, blankets and pillows left out on the benches for anyone who is suffering in the cold. Also happiness making: work cookie exchange!

Scarves. The blankets and pillows were on another bench.


Since this year was so wonky I really didn't come close to most of my goals. The only thing I really stuck with was my Reading Goal (80 books -- I am currently at 75 and have just downloaded a bunch of what I hope will be short, simple reads from Kindle Unlimited so that I can make my goal before the new year, heh.) and the Money Jar. I continued to put any change left in my purse into the jar. I counted and rolled it up at the end of November and had $410! That basically paid for my Christmas presents, which was awesome!

Alllllll the moneys.

For 2019 I plan to start easing myself back into writing, and trying to get on track with a bunch of other goals. I'll be making a separate post about that at the end of the year/beginning of next year. I'm excited about using a 'bullet journal' to track my successes (yes, successes. There will be no failures. *stern look at myself in mirror*.) (I had started one for 2018 but the design wasn't working, so I made a new one for 2019.) Bullet journals are sorta actually meant for those artistic people among us 'cause the point is to make 'em all pretty while still being practical. I do not have a single artistic bone in my body, but I still like the IDEA of having every To-Do list, Goal, Writing Prompt, Reading Challenge etc all in one place where I can check them easily.

This is a simple page from mine.

I'm excited for Christmas. I'm excited to have a day off from work, LOL. I'm excited for 2019 to be a fresh start! Hope you're all excited about something, too. :)

christmas 2019, animals, health, bullet journal, esther, work, apartment

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