Photos! And it's Chrisssssssssstmas... almost. :D

Nov 30, 2013 05:52

I put up the Tiny Christmas Tree o' Joy today! I was trying to hold off until December but I just couldn't do it. We've had snow here for several days and it just feels like Christmas. I broke with tradition and watched Elf instead of Die Hard, though. I'm sorry, Bruce. I am going to watch you when I write out my cards and wrap my presents, I ( Read more... )

photoaday2013, cassie, christmas 2013

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Comments 21

shadownyc November 30 2013, 12:49:37 UTC
The little Christmas tree is lovely!

For me "snow" and "no" are on equal footing. lol


severina2001 December 1 2013, 03:50:10 UTC
Awww, thanks. I love my teensy tree.

I have to admit, I LOVE snow. But it came just a bit too early this year!


bodleian November 30 2013, 23:56:35 UTC
As always, top photos but I love that one of Cassie napping and I love the snow on the trees. Snow always appeals to me - mainly because I don't have it here, I guess.


severina2001 December 1 2013, 03:50:46 UTC
Thank you. I love that one of Cassie. And I must admit, I DO love snow... it just came too early this year!


tracys_dream December 1 2013, 10:40:16 UTC
U love the last pic of Cassie - so cute and love your little tree - adorable.

I'm thinking of having a smaller tree this year.


severina2001 December 1 2013, 21:10:52 UTC
Thanks! That pic of Cassie just makes me happy. She's just spent the last hour sleeping beside me in the exact same position. :)


spike7451 December 1 2013, 15:12:47 UTC
I think the tree is lovely. :)

Love the pics of Cassie. Spike sits on the arm of my chair while I'm using the laptop and taps or head butts me for the attention he is of the opinion is his due.

Talking of Christmas cards, I would love to send one to you and Cassie if you feel comfortable with sending me your address details.


severina2001 December 1 2013, 21:11:54 UTC
Heee, thanks! I love my cheesy little tree. :)

Awww, I'd love a card (and I'd love to send one to you as well.) Can you PM me?


Me, too? fansee December 1 2013, 22:53:45 UTC
I'd love to have your address, and I'll send you a card. (And I better get crackin'. Time's a-fleeting.) FanSee


Re: Me, too? severina2001 December 3 2013, 14:40:12 UTC
I'm going shopping tomorrow. Somehow I don't have a lot of confidence that I'm going to accomplish much. I have NO idea what to buy anyone ugh.

Awww, thank you. Same here. I will PM you. :)


antesqueluz December 1 2013, 22:31:54 UTC
Love your cute little tree! Gonna have to put up my Charlie Brown tree this week. And I think your Rockets are our Smarties south of the border. Love those things! :-D

BTW, I'll be sending out Christmas cards and I'd love to send you one, if you'd like. Just let me know. :-)


severina2001 December 3 2013, 14:41:35 UTC
Heee, thanks. And YES, you guys in the States know them as smarties. Up here in Canadaland, smarties are our version of M&M's. :)

Oooh, I'd love that. And I'd like to return one to you. I'll PM you in two shakes. :)


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