Photos! And it's Chrisssssssssstmas... almost. :D

Nov 30, 2013 05:52

I put up the Tiny Christmas Tree o' Joy today! I was trying to hold off until December but I just couldn't do it. We've had snow here for several days and it just feels like Christmas. I broke with tradition and watched Elf instead of Die Hard, though. I'm sorry, Bruce. I am going to watch you when I write out my cards and wrap my presents, I promise!

Now I just need to buy the presents. Hmmm.

I have soooo much writing to do today. Loving mini_wrimo! I still haven't quite figured out how I'm going to maintain the pace into December, but I'm going to do my best. :)

And now,
November 24, 2013 - Prompt: a word

Serving dish of Christmas (and other) treats. Santa chocolates, Hallowe'en rockets, and zombie gum that persnickett bought for me a couple of years ago! (When my awesome internet repairdude was here last week, I offered him some 'santa balls'. He did a double take -- my goal -- and then his eyes lit up when I gestured to the dish. "You have rockets!" he said. He was so excited when I told him he could take as many as he liked.)


November 25, 2013 - Prompt: quirky

Cassie has propped her catnip rainbow toy against the wall so she can use it as a pillow. Heee! She looked up when she heard the camera turn on. (Also, the day before I took this, I was sitting at the computer and all of a sudden Cassie hissed SOOO LOUD. My heart sped up and I started mentally freaking out, because I was like what the hell is she HISSING AT in the apartment?!? I got up quietly, preparing myself to find a mouse or some kind of disgusting bug -- only to discover that she was playing with her catnip rainbow... shaking it and biting it and hissing at it. Ohhhh Cassie.)


November 26, 2013 - Prompt: message

Somebody on twitter loves me.


November 27, 2013 - Prompt: no!

Oh wait. I thought you said SNOW. ;) (Melting snow and ice pellets on a bush. It's since snowed harder and longer. We have a light dusting on the ground, not even enough to cover all the grass. COLD outside, though. My apartment is still a sauna. It is currently -11C outside with the wind chill. I am currently wearing capris & a tank top, and I have the fan on.)


November 28, 2013 - Prompt: I am grateful for...

My baby. (Possibly one of my fave pics I have ever taken of Cassie. This is how she sleeps next to me when I'm at the computer -- she lounges out on the desk with her head on the mousepad and reaches out with one little paw to touch my leg while she naps. It's so cute.)


November 29, 2013 - Prompt: black

Tree outside my building, on my way home from work approx 6:45am.


November 30, 2013 - Prompt: all done

Tiny Christmas Tree o' Joy! With the little guy up, Christmas decorating is all done. :D


photoaday2013, cassie, christmas 2013

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