Okay, so I’m a bit late. Working 12-hour shifts and attempting to get all those yahoos home in one piece tends to screw with one’s timeline. Hope everyone had a lovely kick-start to 2004.
Got this quiz from Dleigh's page, and hey, what better way to spend some time when the muse is out for lunch?
Name: Severina
Age: 36
Location: Southern Ontario
Height: 5’4”
Eyes: Green
Sexual orientation (oh come on, you knew it was coming): Straight. Though I honestly think sexuality is fluid.
1.) How long have you been into the show? The first episode I saw was 205 (I think). I know that 208 is the episode that hooked me.
2.) Why did you start watching it? It was one of those shows that I knew I’d love, but I worked Mondays at the time (when it airs in Canada) and I very strictly limit how much television I watch. So I wasn’t about to start taping it. Then my shifts got changed, I was home Monday night, remembered it was on…
3.) Initial reactions? Intrigued enough to turn it on the following week. Found Brian, and the Brian/Justin dynamic, thought-provoking, interesting, intriguing, and sexy as hell.
4.) Do you own the DVDs? Yup.
5.) Own any other QAF merchandise? I got the 2004 calendar for Christmas. Bought both novels and The Book.
6.) Which character do you identity the most with? Brian.
7.) Which character do you want to sleep with the most? Well honestly, the thought of any of these male characters with a woman is just… wrong. But…uh… yeah. Brian.
8.) How many times has it made you weep at the injustice of the world? Hmmm. I guess, once.
Have You Ever:
1.) Wanted to kill the writers? Nope. Much as I hoped that each new Season Three ep would begin with Ted dying in a fiery crash, I pretty much try to work with what I’m given.
2.) Wanted to kill Brian? Never. Baby steps, people!
3.) Cried during a scene that wasn’t sad? I don’t think so.
4.) Wanted to murder every heterosexual on the planet after watching an episode? No.
5.) Understood who the hell Emmett said he had sex with when we went to L.A? My guess is Tom Cruise.
6.) Commended the writing? Definitely.
7.) Gotten up and danced during the show? LOL No.
8.) Wanted to shut it off because it was so bad? Never!
9.) Seen the British series? Alas, I’ve had the DVD’s for months but the player crapped out on me.
10.) If so, did you like it? n/a
1.) Character: Brian
2.) Couple: Brian and Justin. Are there other couples on the show? ;)
3.) Season: I keep coming back to this and changing my answer. I seriously can’t pick. There’s so much good in each of them.
4.) Episode: 103
5.) Scene: 103 -- “Let’s Hear it for the Boy” and 308 -- “Reunion”
6.) Episode ending: 314
7.) Line: “I want you safe. I want you around for a long time.”
8.) Outfit: 203 -- “When My Boy Walks Down the Street”. Brian in the faded jeans, the shades, the open shirt.
9.) Kiss: The first one that comes to mind is 219.
10.) Sex Scene: 110 -- New York. Love the push/pull.
Least Favorites:
1.) Character: Ted
2.) Couple: Ted and Emmett
3.) Season: Can’t pick.
4.) Episode: Season One, the King of Babylon ep.
5.) Scene: Gak, so many Ethan/Justin ones that I can’t narrow it down. “If I was your boyfriend…” is right at the top, though. As is rose-stroking in 301 and Ethan getting all indignant at the bursur’s office. Grrr.
6.) Episode Ending: 305 -- “Blond boy ass”. Threw me into a tailspin all day. Miachen can attest that I was a little… errrr… panic-stricken. Heh.
7.) Line: Any variation of Michael saying that Brian is either a) his best friend or b) will never change.
8.) Outfit: Justin going to the recital. He looked twelve!
9.) Kiss: Justin/Ethan, anytime.
10.) Sex Scene: Justin/Ethan, anytime.
Looking Ahead
1.) Are Brian and Justin going to stay together? I think TPTB are aware of how much many fans have invested in this couple. I think the story they are telling -- of emotional growth for both of them -- is an important one. And you gotta have faith -- “Like Cher!” So… YES.
2.) Is Ben going to die? Not a chance.
3.) Will April ever get here? It’s probably gonna be May for me in Canada. *sniffle*
4.) Will Ted and Blake hook up? I don’t think so. I think he’ll be a friend, and a huge help via counselling, but I’m hoping they don’t renew the romance.
5.) Will Emmett find someone? I’d kinda like to see Emmett on his own for a while.
6.) Will they ever bring back Ethan or Chris Hobbs? I think Ethan is long gone. I’d love to see Chris again. Think that’s a definite possibility.
7.) Will Brian say the dreaded 3-little-words? I don’t think he has to, or that Justin necessarily wants him to. Justin, IMO, never wanted flowery words or romance, or those “three little words”. He wanted to feel loved, and mistook flowery pronouncements for love. He’s now (re)realized that actions that show love are more important than uttering the phrase every ten minutes. So the words are unnecessary. (Having said that… I think if Brian DOES say “it”… it’ll be in a very off-hand way.)
8.) Will Melanie have a healthy birth? Sure. (Which means, I don’t really care.)
9.) Will Emmett ever have a freakin’ birthday? Emmett’s so fab that every day should be his birthday!
10.) Would you continue to watch if one of the 5 main boys left? Yes, at least for a while.
11.) Are you going to go watch QAF now? LOL no.
Muse? Muse? Are you back yet?