Apparently I'm special. In that eating paste way.

Sep 02, 2011 09:47

Soooo it turns out I don't need snow and ice and the whole Winter Wipeout curse to actually, yknow, wipe out. All I need is a teeeeeensy piece of sidewalk that's cracked and buckled just enough to trip me up and send me toppling to the ground and then sliding along the pavement. Yes, it was as pleasant as it sounds.

End result: bruised ankle; many many many cuts and scrapes on legs; scraped elbow; sore back. And the weirdest one -- bruised/possibly sprained PINKY FINGER. One might think you don't actually need your pinky finger, but I am here to correct that assumption. When your damn pinky finger is hurt and sending those spikes of pain all the way up your arm just because you dared to move the finger .0008th of an inch, you NEED the pinky finger.

So I spent the first half of my shift at work with my so-very-much-needed pinky finger wrapped in ice, typing one-handed with my left hand (I'm a righty, I'm a righty!) and being unable to even hold a pen. FUN. Thankfully my coworker picked up my slack and took care of the few pen-and-paper-required issues we had until the pain subsided enough to let me function, albeit v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. I'm now at the point where I can use both hands to type... I just can't use all the FINGERS yet.

Which will make competing in the Word War over at sexy_right interesting. But hey, I'm up for a challenge.

*scowls at pinky finger*

being a clutz, health, work

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