30 Days of Fandom - Day 30

Aug 28, 2011 02:06

Final question!

30 - Do you have a favorite fic you've written? What makes it your favorite? And don't forget to give us a link!

This is an impossible question. I have 350+ stories, man. So I decided to answer it by just listening some of the stories that are the first ones that pop into my head when I think about my fic in my three latest (main) fandoms. (The Walking Dead and its 3 drabbles/1 story don't count.)

Queer as Folk

In Cars -- Eight different moments in Brian and Justin's lives, tied together by various events that involve cars. I remember at the time being so pleased with the way this turned out. I still like the progression of the story. There are some moments that are OOC, but there are additional moments that I think still work (the birth, Justin's car accident) and I still love the ending. (Written June 2007)

Green -- Justin and his little green pill. I think this is the first and only story that I ever wrote in 2nd person. I just heard it that way in my head and it had to come out like that. And I think it actually turned out to be very effective. I still really like this one. (Written January 2006)

Whenever You're Ready -- The first Zombieverse fic. This is honestly the first thing that I think of when I think of QaF stories that I'm most proud of. I think because I'd been wanting to pair my fave show with my fave genre for sooooo long, and I wrote this for Nanowrimo and posted it as I went so I had to write superfast and not worry about it, and I think it turned out almost exactly the way I wanted it. You never go wrong with zombies, dude. (Written November 2007; this is the first chapter and it continued throughout the month)


Into The Breach -- the first story that I remember when I think of Oz isn't Toby/Chris or even McMurph, it's a Genevieve Beecher POV. I can't say why it's my favourite, exactly. Just that I feel like I got into Gen's head, and I really like the sort of stream-of-consciousness flow of it. (Written January 2010)

Foolish Heart -- I don't remember if I'd written Chris Keller POV before this, but I think this was the first time I did him justice. This is the way I see him most of the time. And I remember researching chess - which I know nothing about - and being thrilled to discover the roles of the knight and the pawn and how they fit so nicely into the story. (Written November 2009)

Live Free or Die Hard

Trouble Magnet -- John, Matt, bagel store robbery, and a KITTEN. I mean. I just had a blast writing this one. Short, snappy, and to the point. LOL. (Written June 2010)

Ashes to Ashes -- My first Die Hard fic, and of course it's got zombies. I remember at the time thinking what a ridiculous intro of myself to the rest of the fandom it was. I like this because HI, it's got zombies. And also, I really like my John in it, and I was happy with both the action sequences and the schmoop. And did I mention the zombies? (Written May 2010)

Doing this meme reminded me of how much I have enjoyed writing and fandom through the years. Though looking back on some of those old fics can be amusing and sometimes cringe-inducing, I've had such good times. :)


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