Crushes Through The Ages -- A Celebration of Lameness :D

Apr 16, 2011 16:59

A while back a few people on my list did a "Celebrity Crushes" photo posts, that I thought were awesome. Then just today persnickett did one. So of course now I HAVE to play along. Even though I still haven't finished collecting my photos for the Bruce Through The Ages post. (Yes, I know. Whatever. WHEEEEE.)

So here we go. Come see how lame I was. Still am? HEEEEEEEEEEEE.

It all starts when I was only 7 years old. Yes, really. I have no idea how it started, coz there were no videos or anything in those days, but I know we always had the radio on, and there were shows specifically for kids on Saturdays. Kids Are People Too, anyone? Anyone? Bueller? No? Okay then. I don't remember how I discovered Tiger Beat and The DeFranco Family, but somehow I did. And my little teeny heart fell madly in babylove with Tony DeFranco.

The DeFrancos actually had a hit with this song. I think Tony was about 12. :D

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Shortly after that I left the DeFrancos and chubby little Tony behind, because The Bay City Rollers hit the scene. I think my friends and I were crazy for the tartan for a few years. I remember we all liked a different Roller, so we didn't have to worry about fighting over them. Strangely, this plan still works today for other fandoms. HEH.

My fave was Leslie McKeown, the lead singer:

I just noticed that Leslie has like the teeeeeeeeeeeeniest little teeth. They are totally JGL-sized.

Around this time Scott Baio joined Happy Days. And for a while I was pretty sure I was going to marry him. Or maybe Chachi. Didn't matter which one. WA WA WA.

So by now I'm about... 12 or so? My bedroom walls were covered in posters and photos ripped from teen magazines. Scott Baio shared the wall with Shaun Cassidy, and I KNOW there were others but I can't think of them. And there were also this guy:

The incomparable Freddie Mercury

... and honestly, I think this is actually one of the two Freddie pictures I had on my wall! The other one was him in his white/black checkered catsuit. Loved him then. Still do.

AND this guy:

I was MAD for Tim Curry. INSANE. Knew everything about RHPS long before I'd ever seen it. Adored his voice like whoa. And I loved him as Tim Curry not just Frank. Coz OMG HIS VOICE. His voice can still make me melt to this day. Wish I still had his albums. (Yes, they were albums, then. LOL)

Here's Tim as he looked without the makeup, back in the day:

GOD. I still think he's gorgeous and he still makes me melt.

So by the time I hit 13 I realized that there was this whole other thing called "FM RADIO". My world exploded, mostly when I discovered U2. This was when "Boy" came out, and like, nobody knew who they were. I was SO THRILLED to get to high school and find people that actually knew who Bono was. People I could squeal with.

Remember when Bono was cool and didn't wear sunglasses all the time and wrote songs that MEANT SOMETHING? Yeah.

Of course. This WAS the 80's. So.

Nick Rhodes and Simon LeBon of Duran Duran. I could never decide which I liked better. Nick usually had the edge because he was, but then Simon would grow his hair or something and I'd be like OOOH NICE. WAIT. But NICK. Or Simon? Or NICK? UGH.

And then along came WHAM! Oh, George Michael.

Bono was always there, but I could not resist the bubblegummy cuteness of George. WHO COULD? It helped that Angela, one of my best friends, loved Andrew Ridgeley. ACTUALLY, the first fanfic I ever wrote and finished was WHAM! RPS, though I didn't know it was called RPS at the time. I would write comical little stories based around their videos, like the Last Christmas vid where I surmised that George and Andrew got lost heading back to the chalet after filming, and it got very cold, and Andrew passed out so George had to carry him to the conveniently located abandoned hunting cabin, and then of course George had to get him warm, and. HMM. Angela actually got caught reading one of the stories in math class because she was laughing so loud, and it got confiscated. OOPS.

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So let's see. By now we're up to the early/mid-80's. We enter the time of TV crushes:

This is Jeff Yagher. He played Kyle Bates on the original "V" TV series. He was supposed to be the bad boy. SO CLEAN CUT TO BE THE BAD BOY. But yes, there was big time crush here. I think the first fanfic I wrote and actually put online was for him. It was awful.

Michael Praed as Robin in "Robin of Sherwood". OH *SIGH*. I LOVED HIM. LOOOOVED. He was deliciously gorgeous. He was a fairly good actor to boot. Bought all his movies, drooled over him excessively. Still kinda do, truth be told. MMM.

Ron Perlman as Vincent "Beauty and The Beast". SIGH TIMES A THOUSAND. This show, people. THIS SHOW. Romantic and goopy and there was poetry and angst and their LOVE, THEIR LOVED. I was addicted. Watched obsessively, read the TV tie-in novels. Didn't have internet as it was very new then, but when I went to my friend's place I spent HOURS on the "Songs of the Blue Bird" site, reading every piece of fanfic I could find. *happy sighs*

Gregg Rainwater as Buck Cross in "The Young Riders". The first fandom I REALLY got into, where I rewatched eps and wrote tons of fanfic and made friends and joined forums and got involved in wank and did that whole fandom THING. I still think it's beyond weird that this show was about 5 guys alone in a waystation with one woman and there is, like, no slash. HUH.

Still loved music though, and pretty soon I started liking stuff that wasn't actually bubblegum pop. GO ME. First up: Wayne Hussey of The Mission.

MMMM. Now this is a bad boy. Wayne was always photographed with either his shades on. For years we weren't entirely sure the man actually had eyes. ;) He also loved his hat. He wrote lovely poetic lyrics backed with lush guitars and he made me swoon. The British press were also always going on about how he was, like, stealing looks from Ian Astbury of The Cult. Or something. Wayne finally famously addressed this by saying: "I don't want to be Ian Astbury. I want to FUCK Ian Astbury, but I don't want to BE him." *loves*

Brian Setzer of The Stray Cats. I don't know. By this time I was kinda beyond the skinny boys, I think? But somehow, Brian stuck in there. Must be the tattoos. And the voice. MMM.

And David Gahan of Depeche Mode, most attractive to me when he was in his skinny fucked-up heroin addict stage. IDEK. He's just HOT like this. I mean, I'm glad he cleaned up and all, but Dave? GROW YOUR HAIR AGAIN, MMMKAY?

Ooh, also in the 80's/90's I was really really REALLY into hockey. I loved the Leafs, because I'm near Toronto and I had to, but I loved loved loved Mario Lemieux of the Pittsburgh Penguins. I firmly believe he is the greatest player to have ever set foot on the ice, and he never failed to impress the shit out of me.

So yeah, boycrazy first 25 years or so? Then, I guess things tapered off. I can't think of anyone else, until one show came along that changed my life.

Hi, Gale Harold PRETTY. I spent, what, 7 or 8 years immersed in the QaF fandom because of this man and his incredible portrayal of Brian Kinney. Went to NYC for the first time for him. Bought and watched (mostly bad B-) movies for him. Met incredible friends through this show, wrotes 100's of pieces of fanfic. Thanks, Mr. Harold.

And then QaF ended and I said I never want to be involved in another fandom to that degree again. And I wasn't, but Oz tried for a little while. It was great fun while it lasted. And really, Chris Meloni? Who can resist? Don't even try.

And then. Then I watched Supernatural. And okay, I watched it back in S1 when it first came out, all right? And I disliked it. Krystle got the DVDs and fell in love with it and kept saying I had to watch, and I was like whyyyy would I want to watch this when I didn't like it omg???? She persisted. For YEARS she persisted. And then persnickett joined the chorus. And I caved.


There has to be two pictures. Because. DO YOU SEE THAT CHEST. OMG DO YOU? *licks it* *a lot* (I saw these pics online but was desperately trying not to spoil myself. So I kept waiting and waiting for this ep. Finally I caved and asked Snick, and she said they were from early S6. At that point I was watching S4 I think. I was like WHAAAAAAAAAT. *whimpers and waits* ... It was worth the wait. *nods*)

And of course. The ultimate crush. You know him, you love him. Mr. Bruuuuuce Willis!!! *crowd goes wild*

I don't know, yknow. He's sexy. He's smart and funny and he speaks his mind. He's got a smokin' hot wife and he looks INCREDIBLE and he's John McFuckinClane and. I love him.

This? Took my breath away. YUM.

So there ya have it. Lots o' hot boys. Some not-so-hot boys. HEE. That was fun. :)

through the ages, actor: bruce willis

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