QaF Meme - Days 26 and 27

Dec 28, 2010 17:33

Day 26 - Your favorite advice or wisdom from the show

I do not think of QaF in terms of, ya know, life lessons. Except maybe "always use a condom", heh.

Day 27 - Your favorite QaF fanvid

Sweeeeeeeeeet zombie jesus, NO ONE can possibly beat "This Will Be Our Year" by bea_nonymous. She uses some gorgeous matching clips and absolutely the most PERFECT song to show the progression of Brian and Justin's relationship through the years, and how they grew and changed and OMG THEY HAVE ONLY JUST BEGUN, OKAY. Years have gone by and this vid still makes me a little giddy.

image Click to view

*happy sigh*

fanvid recs, qaf fandom, qaf musing, meme

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