QaF Meme - Days 22 and 23

Dec 22, 2010 20:41

Day 22 - Your favorite song from the show

This show had an amaaaaazing soundtrack. There are still soooo many songs that, when I hear them now, I'm automatically transported back to QaF for a moment. Who can hear "Save The Last Dance For Me" and not think of the prom, or "Proud" and not see Brian and Michael on that roof? Or godddd, "Lover's Spit" and not picture the happiness of the reunion? And then there's the one's that were just FUN, like "I'm The Main Man" or "Can You Feel It" or "Orgasm Addict" or or or or.... *sigh*

But if I have to choose, I'm going with "When My Boy Walks Down The Street" by Magnetic Fields. It was absolutely the PERFECT song for an amazing B/J moment, and I'll never forget my glee at how well the lyrics matched to the scene. Yes, Brian, some day he will be your wife. :D

Day 23 - Your favorite place

Woody's! Who wouldn't love a bar that you can call your own, a la Cheers, but this time with a Mysterious Marilyn propped up in the corner? Plus I love that it was an actual real place that I could actually visit, and still to this day when I walk by Woody's I have to look over and grin. :)


qaf fandom, qaf musing, meme

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