Starting the Santa countdown :)

Dec 21, 2010 08:58

Only four more sleeps until Santa arrives!

I've been having fun getting ready for the big guy's arrival. Shopping is done, bacardi breezers are chilling in the fridge (oh okay FINE, some of them are chilling in my belly), rum has been purchased, apartment is clean, lunar-eclipse (cooool) has been viewed, and all is well in the world of Severina. On this glorious three day weekend that I just finished, I even finally managed to get more fic written, whooo!

And on Sunday night the girls and I went out for dinner, followed by the Ritual Opening of the Presents.



Okay. Krystle, Amy, Jen of the Awesome Fabulousness and I all went out to a restaurant called "Spice Avenue". I was a little nervous about this becaus spices and Severina do NOT mix. I would *like* them to... but they don't. I had checked out the menu online beforehand and found a few things I thought I could order, so Amy and I agreed to give it a try. Jen and Krystle were enthusiastic from the get-go.

Above: Krystle and I at the restaurant. Doesn't she look pretty?

Above: This was my meal. It's pad thai with chicken, which is totally NOT one of the three predetermined things I'd seen on the menu that I could order. When THIS arrived, my first thought was that it looks *nothing* like the picture in the menu. And seriously, WHERE'S THE BEEF CHICKEN? It burned the back of my mouth and after a while I couldn't feel my lips, but it was okay. And maybe the not-feeling-my-lips thing was due to the MASSIVE raspberry drink that actually made a teeeensy bit tipsy.

I'm sorry, Snick, but I did not try anything weird. Unless pad thai counts? Krystle ordered the same thing as me, Amy had sweet and sour pork, and Jen had some kind of normal veggie dish. We are boring, yo.

After the restaurant we went back to Krystle's place. I drank rum and coke, YUM.

Above: My girls. :D

I think everybody was realllllllllllly happy with their presents this year. We all had moments of giant squee.

Above: This was Krystle's. I don't think she actually expected to GET the Rock Band disc -- I know I didn't expect someone to buy it for her! -- and she was giddy. GIDDY.

Above: Jen bought Rock Band for Krystle, so Jen automatically wins for Best Present Bought For Krystle For Christmas 2010. The rest of us might as well bring our presents back, LOL. Here's Krystle beaming and Jen gloating. ;)

Above: I got a TON of fabulous presents, but this one of me and Bruce I had to put up. Bruce, cuddling into my bosom. Yesplease. HEEEE.

Above: ZOMBIE MINTS. BRAIN FLAVOUR. *holds lunachickk and flashfly in case they're scared*

Above: Amy really really REALLY loved her Rihanna CD.

Above: The three of us went in together to get Jen's digital camera. Jen opened the presents from Krystle and I first, and we only got her a few little things because the main gift was the camera. Later, we were laughing that we both felt like Jen was probably sitting there thinking we were the biggest cheapasses EVER because our gifts to her looked so TEENY. LOL Meanwhile, after she opened it Jen would barely look away from her digital camera to let me get a pic!

Above: MY LOOT. LOOK LOOK there's TWISTED PEPPERMINT from Bath and Body Works WHEEEE. And ZOMBIE desktop calendar WHEEE. And "Pitch Black" starring Vin Diesel's ARMS and gravelly voice WHEEEEE. And new Stephen King and scrapbooking stuff and and more. I got totally spoiled!

It was an evening of much fun and laughter, and the perfect start to Christmas Week!

And and then I got home to a deeeelicious drink and lovely sentiment from ayesakara on my user page, and a pretty card in the mail from shadownyc. Thank you both for thinking of me! *cuddles*

Now.. bedtime. Zzzzz....

christmas 2010, friends, cassie

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