*clings to internet*

Oct 23, 2010 12:01

In the ongoing quest to Get My Life In Order,, I finally called on Wednesday and cancelled my cable television. The very nice CSR assured me multiple times, without any prompting, that this would not affect my internet service. The cable was scheduled to be turned off on Friday.

I woke up on Friday afternoon to discover that I had no internet. This was not a surprise.

One phone call, 3 CSRs and 50 minutes later, I am told that oh yes, the technician misread the work order and blocked both cable and internet. Another very nice CSR told me that they'd put me at the top of the list and someone would be at my apartment on Saturday morning at 8am to unblock it.

10:30am Saturday -- I still had no internet. This was not a surprise.

Another call, another reassurance. And finally, FINALLY, at 11:30am I looked down and my modem was again working. YAY OMG INTERNET NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN. *clings*

And now that I know it's back safe and sound, I'm going to lay down and have a nap. But first I'm going to eat something really bad for me. I deserve it!

fucking technology

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