
Oct 15, 2010 17:22

Today I went to the first matinee showing of RED. Of course I did. My co-workers reaction when he found out I was going to the 1pm show after working til 7am: "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Not surprised. *head shake* HAVE FUN!" LOL

I am GIDDY WITH GLEE right now. Walked home with a big huge smile on my face. I actually walked through the part where cars pull in at a Tim Hortons without paying ANY attention because I was just all HEE YAY BRUCE WHOOO MOVIE KICKED ASS, and this car turning in from the street had to stop (kinda short) for me. I was like *blinks* *smiles sheepishly* "Sorry!" and he just *chuckled* at me and waved me on through. I might have been bouncing. Hee.

So. The movie is GREAT. Lots of really really comical moments, lot of subtle humour throughout, lots of action. (Oh, Snick: the car stunt is even cooler on the big screen!) Helen Mirren is just as sexy as you would imagine, and Karl Urban surprised me with how good he was in his part. (I'm not sure why I was surprised, as I quite liked him in LotR and Chronicles of Riddick. *shrugs*)

The plot is a bit too unnecessarily complicated. But there are only a few 'off' moments, one of which is when Bruce's Frank Moses disappears from the screen during a pivotal point in the action. It's not a surprise as to when and where he's going to turn up -- they're not reinventing the wheel with this plot, heh, no matter how many twists it takes -- but the scene to get us there goes on just a bit too long.

And Bruce. BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE. Fun, sexy, perfect dry delivery. Oh, and HOT. The romantic subplot with Mary-Louise Parker is brilliant. As a man who's been unwilling to form attachments due to the nature of his work, Bruce totally nails the awkwardness of this unusual courtship! And Mary-Louise Parker is ridiculously fun as Sarah, who moves from skeptical to overwhelmed to embracing the moment. And man, I mean, who wouldn't be swept away by a man who's sexy and super cool under fire and is saving your life every 10 minutes? [Hmmm, Matt Farrell might ask the same thing. ;)] What I loved as well is that there is also a very chilling moment -- I'm trying not to reveal any spoilers here, but you'll know it when you see it -- that's both unsettling and ridiculously romantic. Well, if you're ME.

Now I can't wait to see it again. *reworks budget*

RIGHT? Say YEAH, baby.

movie: red, actor: bruce willis

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