Fun Times :)

Sep 25, 2010 10:37

The first day of my four day weekend whooo!!! was spent celebrating Amy and Krystle's birthdays YAY! Seriously, the four of us have to get together more often because we laugh a LOT. The girls picked Kings (chinese) Buffet for their birthday dinner...

Above: Me and Jen of the Awesome Fabulousness. Included here only because I figure it's my journal and I should have a photo proving that I was actually, ya know, there. But seriously, WTF? 70mph winds and 3 hours sleep do not a pretty Severina make. Also, this months hair colour was a biiiiiig mistake. LOL

Above: Jen managed to whisper to the server that there were two b-days at the table, so Amy and Krystle got serenaded by the staff and presented with birthday cupcakes. They had to pose for this photo forever because I hit some weird button on my camera and it wouldn't take the photo. Jen finally figured out that a. it was on video and b. how to make it not be on video. I therefore have several 3-4 second clips of me saying, "seriously, why won't it GO?" and Amy giggling adorably and Jen sing-songing, "It's recording! Just record them!" Severina = technological lameass.

I told persnickett that I would try some kind of weird food, but there was nothing that weird on the menu. So instead I tried something I'd never had -- steamed salmon. Everyone at the table said it was gross and disgusting, but I took the first bite and thought, hmmm, not bad. Told them it's okay, I like it. Took the second bite and... EWWWWWWWWWWW. I actually had to spit it out in my napkin. *full body shudder*

After gorging ourselves we headed back to Krystle's place for the ritual Opening Of The Presents.

Above: Amy intrigued by her new book

Above: and Krystle showing off her awesome Pride bracelet

With the gift-giving done, insanity ensues. I mean, seriously, we were ALL tired... the girls all came directly from working 8 hours and I'd only gotten a nap after night shift. Is it any wonder we get punch drunk when we're together? Jen, Krystle, and I are *normally* pretty giddy anyway, but I swear I have never seen Amy giggle so much in my life! LOL

Above: Krystle made us listen to gave us the great pleasure of listening to the Glee soundtrack, and occasionally grabbed a "mic" to sing along. Now her impression of Tina Turner? THAT I should have recorded! *slaps self on forehead*

Above: Krystle and Amy get "comfy" on the sofa. The look on Jen's face in the background is priceless. If that look doesn't say "I have the weirdest friends" then I don't know what does.

Above: Immediately after snapping this photo, I said, "Oh yeah, THIS ONE is going on LJ." Heh.

Needless to say, a fun time was had by all. YAY! And the happy happy joy joy continues.

friends, krystle, birthdays

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