Happy Happy Joy Joy

Sep 23, 2010 09:53

I am having one of those weeks where everything seems to be going right. I feel... I dunno... just happy and confident and loved and at peace, and like I'm walking on air half the time, you know?

Let's see, in the last seven days:

The Live Free or Die Hard story that I was sorta struggling with suddenly caught fire when John took up residence in my brain, and that's SUCH an exciting feeling -- to be like, yes, this IS working, and to find the words flowing and everything coming together in a cohesive whole that actually *makes sense*. Writing is a rush like no other. And then I posted it and other people liked it too. :)

Work has flown by, and has been filled with laughter. I've been keeping up the positive energy and that makes a huge difference.

I saw a mama raccoon and FIVE BABY RACCOONS!!!!! The babies were smaller than breadboxes! OMG, the most adorable things I've ever seen. And I fed them baby carrots. :)

I had two days where I stayed up for 22 and 24 hours straight, and I filled those days with creativity and fun and movies and planning. It didn't even feel like I'd been up that long!

I completed my second mood theme -- this one for Justin Long -- and gifted it to persnickett, who liked it, yay! Discovering I could actually do this new creative thing was really exciting. I had such a blast working on it. I miss it now that it's done!

And most excitingly, I GOT AWESOME BRILLIANT MULTI-LAYERED DIE HARD GIFT FIC from persnickett in exchange. Seriously, I got the better half of this deal. Snick wrote me a gorgeous, sexy, subtle story called Just A City Boy that I've already read three times and that I want to curl up with right now. I am lucky and blessed.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand if that's not enough, I have more happy-times on the way. Tomorrow night is a birthday dinner with the girls, and then I have a beautiful four-day-weekend! I plan on writing and playing and scrapbooking and watching movies and chatting and emailing and keeping up the happytime vibes. Yes.

*dances off to bed*

fic for me!, friends, movie: live free or die hard, animals, mood theme, writing, snick

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