Writing Update, Mood Themes, and Question

Aug 08, 2010 22:33

My lofty writing goal for the weekend was 10,000 words. I ended up with 8,501 words! Woot! Probably could have made the goal, but I chose to spend today editing the two chapters of the Oz Big Bang fic that I wrote on Friday and Saturday. I swear, I am soooooo much happier with this story. The place that the guys are in together feels much more *real*, instead of the reality I was trying to shoehorn them into before.

Oh, and I am also making a mood theme. (I was going to use one that I DLed, but decided to make my own!) The fact that I'm doing this despite the fact that I only have MS Paint and Windows Photo Gallery and that I have no particular graphic skill just amuses me greatly. But so far I am really happy with the way the little images are turning out. My theme is "Bruce Willis movies", natch, and it's been tons of fun finding screencaps of various movies and then finding that perfect image that says GRUMPY or whatever. Wheee! So yeah, that's what I did this weekend in my non-writing time.

OH, I made this icon too. *points up to top of post* YAY ME.

Question: If I upgrade to a newer version of Firefox, will I lose all my bookmarks?? Coz literally, I have hundreds. But hotmail just updated and now I can't send any mail (though I can receive just fine) and I keep having to read the message that says my browser is updated and I should get a new one, and I'm assuming that will fix the email problem. HELP ME, OH FLIST.

Right, off to work. *waves*

fucking technology, mood theme, writing

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