Hi. I've been busy.

Mar 22, 2009 10:49

Reno 2009 is progressing very well! A little over a week ago my sister Margie schlepped me all over in the search for the elusive Red Sofa. After dealing with one clerk who clearly only had six working brain cells, we made our way to another store (and back, and then back again) and I was finally able to purchase the Red Sofa Of My Dreams.

Above: I posed for this in the showroom. Hee!

The sofa won't be delivered for 4-6 weeks (3-5 now), and that day I was only able to pick up paint and primer before we ran out of time. But yesterday we went shopping again -- this time with my other sister Helen and my niece Krystle in tow -- and I purchased almost everything else I need. New curtains and rods, two new floor lamps, an area rug, a new light fixture for the computer nook, etc. Oh! And a microwave! I actually did not own a microwave. I know, I am really joining the 21st century. The only thing I couldn't afford to pick up was the bookcases, but my current ones are acceptable for now. I'M SO EXCITED. My rooms are going to look SO great.

This week I worked on the kitchen. This is what I started with:

Above: I have no idea what I was thinking of with that cow border. I liked it at the time.

Above: Clutter! And no matter what I did, that toaster would not get clean. And the crumb tray was broken. Grrr.

It took me HOURS to pull down that cow border, and EWWWWW... I knew my kitchen walls were... um... dirty. But I didn't realize they were that dirty.

Above: Honestly. I DIDN'T REALIZE.

Above: I am embarrassed to post this photo. It's gross.

I SWEAR the rest of my apartment isn't this bad. The kitchen hadn't been touched since I moved in 10 years ago, and despite washing it, the walls were just stained. I also swear it will never get this bad again! Anyway, now I've done the priming and painting in the kitchen. I washed down every possible surface and decluttered everything. I'm VERY pleased with the way it looks now.

Above: New microwave and toaster. :)

Above: No clutter. Just a couple little candles and some sugar-free lifesavers.


Above: That yellow is pretty bright, huh?

I'm really excited to be working on this project. But I hate having my apartment in shambles -- pulling everything out from the walls, crap everywhere. I want everything done yesterday!

I also joined up at a site called "Apartment Therapy" for an event called 'The Cure'. Since I don't have the book that accompanies this 8-week event, I'm kinda flying by the seat of my pants, but I believe it's supposed to give you focus to enhance/improve your living space. Or something.

This is the list of things you're supposed to do on Week One...

1. Complete List of Repairs and Find Solutions:
  • A. Light shade in kitchen needs to be put back on -- Done! Thanks to Krystle. :)
  • B. Light in hallway needs to be fixed -- I looked at it, & it appears to be broken on the inside where the bulb goes. I am thinking this will need an electrician, and I'm not going to the super about it until my vacation time when I'll be UP during the day and not sleeping. So this is on-hold for now.
  • C. Buy lightbulbs -- Done!
  • D. Get something to hold Cassie's treats -- Done!
  • E. Get something to hold body sprays --
  • F. Replace toaster -- Done!
  • G. Clean out vents -- Kitchen is done. Bathroom still to be done.

    2. Vacuum/Mop - Done!

    3. Remove one item from home - I believe this is the start of a more intense declutter, which is perfect timing because I am also working on my spring Clean Sweep. I got rid of multiple small items from the kitchen, and 3 books.

    4. Buy fresh flowers - I used to buy fresh flowers all the time. Not doing this one right now because of pulling everything out for painting!

    5. Sit for 10 minutes in a room you wouldn't normally sit in - Bedroom. Done!

    So my life lately has consisted of shopping, working, and renovating. Oh, and catching up on what Steve Perry is up to lately, and listening to old Journey and Steve Perry CD's. It was funny... I texted Krystle one morning to tell her that I was done priming and was going to bed (I texted her that so that she wouldn't call and wake me up.) Anyway, I said "Steve and I are done the priming..." because I listen to Steve Perry when I'm reno-ing... he's energizing. He helps. LOL. Anyway. Krystle was confused... she thought I'd named the ladder!


    #28 - Paint kitchen
    #29 - Buy new sofa
    #30 - Buy new rug

    In Progress

    #21 - Read 130 books
    64. The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst -- I was really undecided about this book all the way through. It's very character driven but I found it hard to relate to most of the main characters. However, I found myself randomly thinking about it several times many days after I'd read it, so I think it's a keeper.
    65. Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched The World by Vicki Myron with Bret Witter -- OMG. For a cat-lover, this book is gold. Someone shoved a poor little kitten through the book-return slot in the small town of Spencer, Iowa. By the time the cat was discovered in the metal box in the morning, it was freezing and literally frostbitten. The library staff adopted the cat and he served as Cat-In-Residence at the library for the next 19 years. A very touching story that made me smile, laugh out loud, and yes, cry.

    BTW, I am now at exactly the half-way point of this task. :)

    #64 - Participate in 100_snapshots

    Prompt 51: Garbage

    Goal List

    And lastly. Preparing to tape last weeks SVU, I came across the recap of that nights American Idol, one of whom was Adam Lambert doing Johnny Cash's 'Ring of Fire'. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? It was like coming across some SNL or Mad TV parody. I was reminded of Eddie Murphy doing his 'Buckwheat Sings'. David Cook this guy is not. Please tell me no one took that seriously.

    In conclusion, Steve Perry is a GOD.
  • comm: mission101, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, author: v, apartment, music: adam lambert, author: b, music: steve perry, author: a

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