I've had enough stress this month, thankyouverymuch

May 30, 2008 08:49

So I've been trying to get back on track with... everything, which seems to be much harder than it should be. I'm reading my flist but I just can't seem to muster the energy to actually respond to anything that anyone's posted about. So I told myself, "Okay, today (today being yesterday) I have the evening free, so I'm going to go online and ( Read more... )

fucking technology, krystle, mom

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freakish_ct May 31 2008, 07:39:59 UTC

Laptops. That's why I'm going to buy a desktop computer in three months tops. Mine is already six years old and my problem with my computer is that I have no more Norton Anti-Virus scanning. It didn't work. The computer will sometimes have this "Your firewall is not on." when it is. And then sometimes, if I watch videos on YouTube, it will have "Low disk in your C drive." And I'll be like: "What? *looks at C Drive* It's completely okay, you airhead computer!" And sometimes, when I switch on my laptop, it will have this blank black screen. And then I have to shut off the power supply (because my battery is long dead) and then wait for a while and then turn it on again and then it would work. And when I make fan videos, I have to log off my Internet totally cos it will do this whole: "Your virtual memory is low."

Anyways, I hope it's just some virus and not the motherboard like what some of the commenters have said there. It's nuts if you have to buy a new computer after just one year =|

Hope everything is all right and I'm glad you can save all the photos of your mom. When my laptop starts to slow down, I bought an external hard drive and quickly save everything that's important to me in that external hard drive so that I can transfer it into another computer. Gosh, computers! It can drive anyone mad.


severina2001 June 1 2008, 05:41:08 UTC
Everything's looking good so far, so I'm hoping it was just a glitch. To be on the safe side I'm uploading ALL my photos to photobucket now (not just the mom ones). That's 100's of photos. It's taking FOREVER.

Thanks for commiserating. *hugs*


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