I am old. OLD. O-L-D.

Mar 14, 2007 08:23

So I was joking that as soon as I turned 40, I was sure my body was going to (continue to) rebel big time.


First, a couple of days ago I'm walking home from taking my mom out to lunch, and my left hip started to ache so badly that I wondered if I'd be able to make it home. Then, this other thing happened that I'm not going to talk about online because it was horrible, but trust me, it's an OMG I'M OLD thing. And last night at work, I just swivelled on my chair to get something and this excrutiating pain went through my leg (at the juncture where the leg attaches to the hip, near the pelvic area?) and it STILL HURTS. Maybe a pinched nerve? I'm not kidding, this hurts like a motherfucker.

By the time July comes around, qafcomments and pepino21786 are going to be pushing me around in a wheelchair.


[The preceeding message has been brought to you by Absorbine Junior and Robaxcet Muscle Relaxants.]


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