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dleigh April 6 2004, 22:24:01 UTC
I had a hard time with the first few chapters, and reflecting on this, I think it was because I subconsciously didn't want to LOVE this book. The first one affected me so much, it made me CRY, damnit, and christ, I miss Billy.

This is why I wanted your take as well as others because, gah, that's exactly how I felt while reading it. I started and stopped a few times because I was just like, 'what? how could you?!!

I was mad, mad, MAD at Vince for a long time until the very end. And, I fell in love with Billy all over again- it's like I *needed* to know him more.

There is a wonderful symmetry to this novel. The dual stalking theme -- Harlan's personal stalker, and the nameless disease that it striking the gay community -- are just wound together seamlessly.

Yes, ITA. It was very haunting reading about Angel...still hurts.

If I remember correctly, there's about a 20 year gap between the FR and the two subsequent books. So, wow. To come back all that time later, pick it back up and write again. Wow.

I did the same thing after reading FR you know- my friend said, well, you have to read the trilogy to which I was like, "HUH?" So, I was stalking B&N.

No problem honey- you're so very welcome. *smooches*
Glad to hook you up. Want to hear your take on Billy's Boy.

Oh yeah, Seperis' new one is so beautifully haunting.


Harlan's Race severina2001 April 7 2004, 01:00:38 UTC
I was mad, mad, MAD at Vince for a long time until the very end. And, I fell in love with Billy all over again- it's like I *needed* to know him more.

And I think it's almost impossible to see Vince in a good light when Billy was such the golden boy. We can't see Billy as a fallible creature here, because Harlan can't see him that way. Harlan has to move on and accept Billy's death before we can. And I found it interesting that Harlan often isn't particularly likable, considering this is first person POV. He's so full of anger and still carries so much self-loathing until he breaks through that at the awards ceremony, and truly begins to honour Billy's life.

If I remember correctly, there's about a 20 year gap between the FR and the two subsequent books. So, wow. To come back all that time later, pick it back up and write again. Wow.

Yeah, she says in the foreword that she wanted to write Billy's Boy immediately, but she knew she wanted to set it 13 years in the future, and it felt too much like writing science-fiction! So when she went back to it, she decided to deal with Harlan's story first, I guess sort of as backstory for Falcon's. It is indeed amazing that she got back into the mindset of Harlan so (seemingly) effortlessly.

Glad to hook you up.

You're a good dealer. Good fic, published or fanfic, is like crack. I'm already jonesing for more. ;)


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