Website, Vanished, The Amazing Race

Sep 19, 2006 20:45

I just got recced over at qaf_retread (Thanks gals, big smoochies to catkcrl... anyway, they put a link to my website, which I clicked, only to discover that ALL the formatting is fucked up. Every story is CENTERED on the page.

Do you know how long it's going to take me to fix 150+ entries? A VERY LONG TIME, PEOPLE. Even though it's just a matter of adding [tr] and [td] (which, by the way, HAD to have been there before because the closing tags are still in place...) Yeah. *cries*

I've only gotten through S1 of Gapfillerpalooza so far. Please don't hate on those fics that still have centered formatting. It's not my fault, honest. :/

ETA: I think everything but the drabbles and the fanfic100 fics are fixed. Geocities is also not recognized my text choice either, but I didn't bother trying to fix that. I'll fix up the fanfic100 stuff tomorrow or the next day. Running to work now.

I actually thought this was probably the best acted and tightest script thus far, yet I was somehow a bit bored. I think Gale nailed all his bits - I loved both his interrogation scenes - and the FBI agents actually appeared to be investigating this week instead of having all their clues handed to them on a silver platter by their mysterious prayer-card-leaving Possible Bad Guy.

In the beginning of the ep, Kelton does not learn from Mei's mistake and he KILLS THE PRISON BAD GUY DEAD DEAD DEAD. Alas, another interrogation opportunity gone. *snort* But then, THEN, Kelton learns not to shoot first (why does that sound pornograhic to me?) when he captures and yes, interrogates, Quinn. YAY KELTON!

I like to cooperation between Kelton and Judy. I like Judy overall. She's my next favourite character.

You know who else I like? The computer guy - Christo? He's coooool, man.

How many more eps till Vanished goes on hiatus?

And... Sunday night was the premiere of The Amazing Race, YAY!
Coalminer and wife: They must leave. Please. She drives me batty. And they're so full of bullshit. She says something about how where they're from, the man makes all the decisions and the woman just sits idly by raising the kids or whatever. Then she proceeds throughout the whole ep to scream at him and treat him like shit. There's no way that is NEW behaviour. He's whipped and she's a bitch. End of story.

Also, she says something about how she couldn't believe he'd date her because he's so cute. Clearly they have a different definition of "cute" in Kentucky.

Bilal and Saeed: Had the potential to be interesting because I would have LOVED to see them racing like crazy or in the middle of a task and then have to stop to pray. But people who constantly praise god (any god, doesn't matter what religion you are) annoy me, and I think they would have gotten on my nerves.

I loved Vipal and Arti and I'm sad they're gone. They were so adorable and seemed so happily in love.

I'm liking the Recovering Addict Models and the Beauty Queens, and I never thought THAT would happen.

Sarah, the chick with the prosthetic leg, bugs me because one minute she is all 'I can do anything, this is not a hindrance' and the next minute she is using her disability to her advantage (when getting a cab, she looks down at her leg and tells the driver "it's an emergency" and gets the driver to take them.) Maybe I'm judging too harshly but I just find her annoying.

I find a lot of people annoying, don't I? Oh well. Should be a fun season.

Okay, back to [tr]ing and [td]ing...

actor: gale harold, tv: vanished, tv: amazing race

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