Celebrity Duets... and a book update

Sep 17, 2006 00:45

Hal was in the bottom two with Carly Patterson. That means Cheech got more votes than Hal.


Could you hear me cackling? Coz seriously, the look of complete and utter shock on Hal's face was highly amusing. I mean, first he insults David Foster (and regardless of what kind of music Foster produces, or what you think of the artists he works with, the man knows what he is doing) and then he gets knocked down a peg when he realizes that the viewing audience actually does NOT think he's all that and a bag of chips.

I wonder if Hal will now listen to the constructive criticism he's been getting.

Also, they showed Hal's girlfriend in the audience. Samantha something. When they first showed her I was like "What kind of weird shirt is she wearing?" coz you could see bare neck/shoulders but this STUFF all over her arm. And then I realized the stuff was tattoos. A billion tattoos. Enough tattoos to make a biker proud.


I am not particularly surprised that Lucy Lawless got the most votes even though she's not the best singer of the bunch. I said to someone when this thing began that who wins won't necessarily depend on who's the best singer but on who has the biggest fanbase. Apparently Xena: Warrior Princess has a huge fanbase. (I just added that "warrior princess" because I didn't want anyone to think I was referring to Lucy as Xena. Coz it would annoy me to shit if someone referred to Hal as Michael. Anyway.)

I can't believe Hal and Dennis DeYoung sang Mr.Roboto. So lame. Alfonso sounded great during his song.

Wayne Brady said that TWO celebrities get booted on next week's show. I wonder if the ratings are bad so they're trying to wrap it up more quickly...


29. Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
My first time reading this. I can certainly see why it is a classic. Despite the somewhat stilted prose and the I-am-getting-paid-by-the-word factor ("Tublat's little, close-set, bloodshot, pig-eyes..." HEE!), you cannot help but get caught up in the adventure and excitement of the tale.
223 pages.

Book Count: 29 of 50
Page Count: 9,554 of 15,000

New Amazing Race starts Sunday at 8:30pm. :)

author: e, actor: hal sparks, reading challenge: 15000pages, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, tv: celebrity duets

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