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jule1122 September 5 2006, 18:46:05 UTC
I thought they said confirm the 9th which I assumed to be the 9th Supreme Court Justice they've been giving him a hard time about. I seem to always miss the scenes with the card/9 so I'm not sure how it connects to the mayor's wife because he wouldn't be involved in Supreme Court stuff but maybe it was only added as a message to the senator since the kidnappers are the same? This is where I get confused.

I agree they are the worst FBI agents since the early days of the X-files when in every episode Mulder lost his gun and Scully got knocked out. I was screaming at them to follow the Senator. I mean could one the 800 extra agents either followed him or controled the crowd?

And I decided the fisherman guy must be a little nuts. I mean if she was Sara before and after she was Nikki,I think its's pretty clear when she was pretending.


severina2001 September 6 2006, 00:48:30 UTC
I'm not sure how it connects to the mayor's wife because he wouldn't be involved in Supreme Court stuff

*nods* Right. Unless both were involved in the sooper sekrit society that somebody mentioned above, and they (the SSS) have their hands in local and federal politics.

I just hope the writers know how the hell it's connected. Of course, if Gale leaves I probably won't be around to find out.


court1429 September 6 2006, 00:57:29 UTC
I agree they are the worst FBI agents since the early days of the X-files when in every episode Mulder lost his gun and Scully got knocked out. I was screaming at them to follow the Senator. I mean could one the 800 extra agents either followed him or controled the crowd?

lol That's what I was thinking. I mean, you've got a plaza full of agents. We know this because you made sure to pan around so we could see them all talking into wrists and collars and such. Couldn't a *few* of them helped with crowd control?

And the daughter. Soooo bad Movie of the Week with her last week leaving that bigass bag o'cash and not checking her back seat and this week zooming out to the car and they focus on how the door isn't locked. But her hair is awfully pretty. :)


severina2001 September 6 2006, 01:05:02 UTC
I particularly liked how Marcy told her boyfriend that she had gone outside to get some air. Because clearly the best way to do that is to sit in the car with all the windows rolled up.


The Plot sarahj2222 September 6 2006, 04:07:09 UTC
Wasn't someone trying to convince the Senator to
support the President in the first episode? Maybe
it was even to suport the President's nominee?
What about that?
Anybody think Gale looked hot?


Re: The Plot severina2001 September 6 2006, 12:50:59 UTC
Roight. They are trying to get the Senator to vote for (confirm) the President's choice for the 9th Supreme Court nominee. (I think I am using the right terms! LOL)

So the Kidnapper Dude in the elevator was saying "Confirm the 9th" (that's what I couldn't quite make out.)

And then there was the "V" symbol and the "9" symbol, and he said something about "you know us". Don't have a clue how that connects to the Dead-Ex-Mayor and his Dead-Wife. I also couldn't catch a lot of the biblical quotes when Kidnapper Dude was talking to the Senator on Max's cell phone. Also don't have a clue how biblical quotes and "Nathan" figure into the plot.

And... Gale always looks hot. :)


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