Checking in with Urban Dead-ness

Jul 26, 2006 08:41

Success. I am doing well on the To-Do List From Hell. Have not sporked annoying co-workers.

Have managed to carve out 15 minutes per day to continue playing my Urban Dead characters:

Ted Schmidt is doing a fabulous job of staying alive. He's started collecting first-aid kits and healing other survivors. Today he heard a Mayday message on his shortwave radio from some survivors at a police station being attacked by a zombie wave, so he checked his map, hightailed it over there and KILLED A ZOMBIE. It's Ted's first zombie kill, YAY!

Drew Boyd kept getting revived, but he was infected and couldn't get into a hospital to find a first aid kit. So he dies. And dies. And dies again. He's currently munching on fresh brains.

Lindsay Peterson just found a virtual smorgasbord of survivors to munch on. Unfortunately she's not very strong and not very bright, so this blonde zombie will probably be killed again before lunch.

Michael Novotny was created as a zombie but some wandering do-gooder revived him! So he's continuing on as a civilian now, kicking some zombie ass and trying to decide if he should use his Experience Points to buy some human skills or commit suicide and go back to the zombie-dom. Decisions, decisions.

Seriously, this game? I LOVE. It takes a while to get the hang of it -- you have to search for items that are useful, and because you don't have any skills at first it's a lot harder to do that, and to find a safe house at the end of your session -- but once you go up a few levels (Michael is at Level 4 - and technically if you get all the skills you can get up to, like, Level 42 or something) you start getting stronger, you learn what you're doing, and it's a blast.

Now I must sleep.

zombies, games: urban dead

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