It's taken me a few days to muster up the moxy to post this. Last week's Dear Diary entry was embarrassing enough but this one takes things that extra step. Or several extra steps. Oh well, here goes
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Yet again I find myself writing a post about doors. This time though it's not the idiocy that was the shop with no doors. Nor is it about the unsettling jinking around at the shop *with* doors. No, this time it's proper, honest-to-goodness UNDERGROUND doors
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Earlier in the year I mentioned that my local shop (etc) had taken one of their doors off and how disturbing I found that. Sure, they put it back but it's still weird
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There is a shop near my home as shops are wont to be. This shop it has a door. It used to have two doors. They have taken one of the doors off so now there is a gap and a door. This disturbs me.
Even though it's a 24 hour shop it still disturbs me.