This weekend at the library

Nov 24, 2013 18:35

For the first time a guy told me he loved my Hawkeye necklace. Until this point, the only people who said that were teenage girls and women my age or younger. *belatedly fistbumps dude*

The necklace also grabbed the attention of a young boy who was prattling at me about how much he loves Minecraft."You would like Minecraft! It has bows and arrows and I see you like bows and arrows!" He told me in one rushed breath.

"Weeell, I like Hawkeye," I clarified.

"In Minecraft here's a Hawkeye skin! And when you play as Hawkeye your bow and arrow changes so it looks like Hawkeye's in the movie! And you get the crosshairs!"

And at this point I was a bit "OMG you're adorable and nerdy" but also "OMG we close in ten minutes, get out of here, kid!"

And today, of course it being a Sunday, the public elevator decided to stop working. So, spent my first hour or so getting the signage put up for the elevator being out of order as well as the directions to the staff elevator. Then there was trying to find and put up caution tape because even though the elevator wasn't moving, the doors would still occasionally open at the Ground Floor and I didn't want anyone by-passing the signs and still trying to get it.

Ran into a regular (some days he's a good regular, some days it can be trying esp when his girlfriend and their screaming babies are with him), who informed me that he was actually having some problems with his girlfriend and they were probably going to split up soon. "Well, that's too bad," I said sincerely.

"Yeah..." He agreed. "But if you're available, I'm free now!"

"AHAHAhAHA GTFO OUT RIGHT NOW!" I didn't say, but instead came out more as "Eh heh heh... I'll...keep that in mind?"

I mean, it wasn't the creepiest come-on (and I really can't say if it was genuine y'know?) I had at work. At least it was someone I was actually familiar with from previous interactions and not a stranger, and the comment wasn't grossly inappropriate. But still, dude, no. Move along.

And unfortunately, I'm not even looking forward to my day off tomorrow because I have stuff to do. Stupid adulthood. Bleagh, mebbe I'll put-off getting my oil changed another week. And apparently mother already did some vacuuming today so that lessens my load! It's also suppose to snow tomorrow so I think go to gym (Monday and Wednesday at the last days they're open ever, then they'll be closed :(), go to grocery store, then just stay home and watch.Robin of Sherwood!
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