Alredy a but tipsy. Tonight's episode is "Faith, Treachery, and the Great River." At least double-Weyouns will not mean I'm that drunk.
Still, how about a live blog? Okay, here we go.
I'm still not sure how I feel about Kira/Odo. I think I liked it when it was unrequited? Far more of a sucker for that sort of thing.
SO MAY TUUBES! DS9 IS MADE OF TUUUUUUUUUUUUBES! Yeah Nog, you pretend you know what you're doing with that tube.
Technobabble. Too much ficking technobabble.
Ferengi methods in Starfleet is an interesting concept.
Ohhhhhhh hi Weyounn 6! The woobie!Weyoun! "Do with me as you wish." Ohohoho. Man, defecting!Weyoun was too good to be true wasn't it? Or not. I think if it was like for real-reals that we'd be left with a "good" Weyoun for the rest of the series, I would've been pissed-off.
Huh, suddenly remembered those Invisible Man eps where Armin Shimmerman was blind or something?
"Of course I'm paranoid, everyone's trying to kill me."
Can you really say it's homoerotic when one only has a gender based on Alpha-quadrant humanoid preconceptions of sex, and they other may or may not even have...stuff.
Did I say the Nogi subplot may be interesting? I was wrong.
Weyoun 6, you are laying it on so thick. It's embarrassing!
Weyoun 7! Two Weyouns! Oh, the possibilties. The universe may not be ready, but my body is.
Poor Weyoun 5. I loved heem above all other Weyouns.
It's like Weyoun 6 is Crawford, and Weyoun 7 is Herbert.
Speaking of Invisible Man wasn't Casey Biggs in an episode? I should watch that again. I like Casey Biggs with or without Cardassian make-up.
Oooh yes. So much like Weyoun/Damar hate!flirting better than the creepy fawning going on in the runabout with Weyoun 6 and Odo.
Weyoun/Damar fic where aaaaare youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu???
I love you wine
agh. no more Nog and O'Brian please
Angry Birds time
Oh Weyoun, I've had nightmares like that anout high school and college. It was definitely Klingons for me.
Your mom's shields are weakest there.
Weyoun's logic about gods. I get it.
eeeee! he's so happy to tell the story of how the Founders created Vorta. Story time with Weyoun!
almost out of wine
I'm going to pause and lie down on the floor for a bit,
Oky, floor comfy. checked tumnblr. back to show.
Is Weyoun 6 paler on purpose or is it just the lighting?
His vooooooice. Oh dear, I'm 16 all over again.
And this is how a Hypothermia!fic starts. Me gusta.
Weyoun's in shock! Look, he has a blanket!
Little Vorta dies happy! I'm tearing up.
Good bye wine.
Helllo water.