Dec 03, 2003 22:05
So I'm browsing around on, flicking through some web pages, trying to do up a Christmas list for my family (Yes, we still do lists. Yes, I'm actually 21. I know. We're old-fashioned that way) when I realize that when it comes to material goods, there's not really much I actually *want*, per se.
I remember in years gone by the clarity of desire that came with being a child during the holiday season, the absolute certainty that I really, really wanted the new Lego set. Or somesuch. Now, not so much (though I sitll buy a Lego set once every year or so, just for nostalgia's sake).
I guess it's a sign that I'm getting older and, perish the thought, maturing. Everything I desire is intangible. It can't be given as a gift, or bought in a store. Like a better scholastic work ethic. The concrete knowledge of what I want to do with my life. Knowledge in general, really. Love, life and the pursuit of happiness. That sort of thing. I just have to give it to myself.
Speaking of giving, I'm an impoverished student again, as are most of my friends, so I don't think anyone's getting presents this year anyways ;)
But I have an idea.
Everyone, go out and do something nice for yourselves. Don't just buy yourself stuff - do something that you really enjoy and wouldn't normally be able to make time for. Something that isn't an everyday thing that make you feel really good. Take some time to indulge yourself. Be happy. Then, write me a letter or an e-mail about it. I think that would be a pretty decent gift :)