(no subject)

Aug 18, 2005 18:29

Hey everyone. I'm still around; I've just been busy with stuff.
I really don't know what to write. Florida was fun, as were the manatees. I moved my fish to a bigger tank downstairs, because the gouramis WON'T STOP CLICKING!!! and it was keeping me up at night. I passed tenth grade (barely) and watched a lot of Seinfeld. I got four wisdom teeth out, which now reside in a jar somewhere. I think that's it.

And I promise I will update more. Startinggg.... NNNOW.

I think this year will be a lot better than last. I'm only two years away from getting out of high school, which is very, very good. Once that's over with, I will be dealing with a lot less assholery. I'm starting to make friends that don't suck, which is good because when I am alone a lot I go kind of squirrely. I'm also starting to fit in more, even without compromising myself in any way. I've learned that anyone who would want me to change who and what I am isn't someone I should bother with. I basically just feel like I'm in a really good place right now.

And, even though I am so very late with it:
Happy Birthday Bridget OMG!
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