Holiday season means meme season, so here's one: imagine what your favourite show/book/comic/film would be like if it was written/directed/drawn in the style of your favourite authors? (okay my formulation might be a bit obscure, but read what's below the cut, you'll understand quickly enough)
Sherlock remixed by:
Overindulging in fangirl fantasies under the cut )
Awesome meme !
What would Balzac make of all that ?
What are you doing up so early? O____o
By the way, you're the Balzac expert; how do you think Balzac would remix Sherlock? =D
Balzac would make Anderson the main character, he would be a man wanting to make a name for himself, he would fall in love with married in an higher station Donovan, his nemesis would be strange genius Sherlock, John would be the good and respectable Docteur Bianchon, Lestrade would be a high administration officer. There would be murders and kidnappings, and bitching at the ball. And lots of lots of descriptions of the wondrous appartements and clothing.
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