Twenty-five things about Teen Wolf

Oct 10, 2012 20:42

Here's how each and every episode of Teen Wolf goes:

PREVIOUSLY ON WEEN TOLF: Scott is a dumbass and everybody else leads a really shitty life

INTRO: Horrible stuff is happening, but no-one gives a shit about the plot, except maybe Stiles, Stiles' dad, and sometimes Derek


1. Scott and Allison make-outs timez!

2. Someone is in a car and gets attacked by something

3. People say it was a mountain lion

4. Scott pines for Allison and doesn't give a shit

5. Some teenage kid has a really depressing back story

6. Scott is doodling hearts around Allison's name all over his school books and doesn't give a shit

7. Stiles tries to do something about the plot but then gets sidetracked by Scott and some stupid subplot related to his pining for Allison

8. Someone is in a deserted place at night and suddenly the lights go off or on and then they get attacked or abducted or something

9. People say it was a mountain lion

10. Derek gets inappropriately all up in someone's personal space

11. Scott and Allison make-outs timez!

12. Random fight that has no incidence on the main plot at all with cool teen music because this is MTV, bitches, what did you expect

13. Chris Argent is being sexy and the women in the Argent family (except for Allison) are being really fucked-up

14. Someone is in a car and gets attacked by something (FFS STOP GETTING IN CARS PEOPLE IN TEEN WOLF IT'S FUCKING DANGEROUS READ THE MEMO)

15. People say it was a mountain lion

16. Seriously they should build a business around mountain lions souvenirs in this town "I was attacked by a mountain lion and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" or something, I dunno

17. More depressing backstories from secondary characters

18. Scott thinks it's been too long since I last talked about him in this list

19. Jackson goes to see Derek to whine about something or other

20. Jackson thought it was Derek he was whining at when it was actually the werewolf hunters (it's ALWAYS the werewolf hunters)

21. Sexy Chris Argent is dissappoint with Jackson

22. Sexy Chris Argent would really appreciate if people other than him were respecting the motherfudging Code for fuck's sake

23. Scott is depressed because sexy Chris Argent is not happy about him making out with his daughter but then Scott makes out with her anyway because he doesn't give a shit

24. Something related to the plot happens, or not, but then again no-one really cares except Stiles, Stiles' dad and sometimes Derek

25. Scott pines for Allison

NEXT ON WEEN TOLF: Depressed hopeless teenagers, horrible gory murders and why is this dumbass the main character again?

procrastination, best flist ever, i'm too old for this shit, fucking around, tv shows, wtf

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