random boring shit is random and boring ..shit

Jan 12, 2009 23:59

I made two dreads and painted a t-shirt 8D

My one and only dread is like...5 months or something,

on the 8th i was gonna do a few more in the neck...i only want 5 or something but i've been too lazy to do them XD so i was gonna do it aaaand i cant find my friggin comb >_< i looked everywhere and i cant find it.
i know i had it in the livingroom before christmas and then my dad told me to put all my stuff away.... and i think i put it in a plastic bag but i've looked through them all and its not there.
i hate losing things! DX
i dont have another comb that small so i couldnt do them p-_-

theeeeen a few days later i remember that my dad has a small comb i could use :O
without and with flash,


i painted my nails black and silverrrrr,

but the brush on the silver polish was sooooo thin that it was impossible to use it, so i used a makeup brush but that didnt work alot better so it looked like crap,

and then i finally cut them. its like part of me liked them really long and the other part thought it looked gross.

i had just taken a bath so thats why the nails and fingers look really dry. and black&white cus they're a bit yellow...i dont have one of those nailpolishes that you put on before you put on the color polish...so they get ugly p-_-
ugh, they were so damaged...

but noooow they look and feel alot better,

yay ^_^

I saw a video of a woman who turned her arm ..um..., like this,

(pixelated areas are scars i'm not very proud of p-_-)
and people were like "oooh wow" and i didnt get what was so amazing by it.. but then i watched it more closely and saw that her arm was double-jointed so it was bent the other way. but it was funny when i did this and asked my dad if he could do it and his arm just stayed the way my arm is in pic#2 XD i tried to turn it but ..it was just stuck that way. weird.

pic#1 shows how my arms are when i put my hands down on the table, thats how they are normal. then i have to turn them... but i can turn the right one more than the left O_o

my arm wants to be double-jointed, but it fails. that would be fun if they were tho, i saw some crazy vids on youtube of double-jointed people. it looked like their arms were broken XD

This is what Felix usually does on my dad, and he walks around with him on his shoulders. but now he's started doing it to me as well >_<

you have to wear glasses cus he likes to cuddle with them XD and i do not like him sitting on my head >_>
edit: forgot some Fnenux pix >_<

he was up on his own for once (as opposed to being carried around by my dad),

I was bored and was flipping through the channels and when i came to the movie channels they were showing "The Lost Boys". havent seen that movie in a few years. and so i thought "i sure wish i had a Lost Boys t-shirt".. so i googled but only found one and it was a bit expensive so i went to ebay and saw this tee.

but with shipping it would be like $25 and i cant spend that on a t-shirt... so i remembered i had this tee that i cut the sleeves off and my sis gave me some fabric paint... so i thought i could paint the print on it.

fabric paint.

printed out the print (in red cus we dont have any black ink left in the printer -_-), cut out all the big white parts, i started cutting out the little stuff too but it got too tedious XD and then start painting,

i was gonna take progress pix but i forgot so these ^ were the only ones i got XD

its kinda crappy but... its the best i can do.

after they had shown LB they showed a movie called "Lost Boys: The Tribe"...yep, a sequel. i didnt even know it existed. it was made last year and went straight to dvd...
and after watching just the beginning of it i understand why -_-
it seemed so low budget and it was basically the same story as in LB1. except it sucked.
it was an all new cast except for Corey Feldman, he was the only good thing about this movie. oh and they showed Corey Haim in the end...as a vampire O_o they didnt say anything about him for the entire movie and then all of a sudden he's there and he's a vampire.

for those who dont know, Corey Haim played Sam in LB1, and he wasnt a vampire. it was his brother Michael who the vampires tried to turn. so it makes no sense.
i checked the LB2 imdb page and in the discussion board i read that apparently you have to read the comics to find out why Sam was a vampire.
when it comes to sequels, you're not supposed to read comics to understand what the hell is going on.

of course they couldnt have the original cast since most of them died in the first once but they could've had Michael, Star, Sam and the Frog brothers. but instead they had these two teenagers and while the vampires in LB1 had motorcycles, these were surfing -_-
and their vampire makeup was so ugly >_<
in LB1 they changed their teeth, eyes and the eyebrow area, like this.
but in LB2 it seemed like they had a bunch of different stages. they would have black eyes and the teeth, then they'd get a weird nose and then their entire face would look all ...ugly. (couldnt find any good pics.)

i'm just gonna pretend that it has nothing to do with LB1 cus it really ruined that... world, or whatever you wanna call it.

Another movie i've seen lately was "Hairspray", the one from 2007. and i liked it, usually when they do remakes the first one is better but i think i like them both the same. except you cant really call the first one a musical since they didnt sing in it.. or, well, i cant remember them singing.
in the 2007 one they sang all the time.. "I LOOOOVE YOOOU BAAAAALTIMOOORE" ♪ ...i wish i could sing...if i sang now i would make peoples ears bleed 8D

I also saw "Ali"..about Muhammad Ali with Will Smith. and...it sucked. it was soooo boring, i was waiting for something exciting to happen but it never did. and the way he talked got really annoying, maybe thats how Ali really talked but...they could've toned it down a little -_-

And omg, i cant believe i have never heard of jeans leggings before O_O i saw it yesterday and ooooh i must have them. i can never wear jeans cus..i'm fat, so this is perfect, they look just like those skinny jeans except they have a stretchy waist.

oh well, toodles.

nails, felix, dreads, diy, movies, lost boys

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