Well. Sense returns.

Jul 11, 2011 00:46

I hate it when people book the confocal microscope for EIGHT HOURS on the ONE DAY OF THE WEEK I'm free to use it at times other than 10PM through 7AM. Double buggering fuck on that because there's really a very narrow window of time in which sticking my samples under said microscope will tell me anything useful at all. :/

That being said, this week is at least not shaping up to be like the other weeks in which I stayed in the lab until past sunrise and did all of my image collection between 3AM and 6AM. And I am kind of nervous/excited about my upcoming talk with my PI - she's recently asked me if I might consider doing a Ph.D. in her lab, so I've been all EEEK!Jumpy!Simultaneously petrified and possibly thrilled for the past couple of days. Got a lot of thinking to do on that one, heh. (Could I finish by 2014 or 2015? Would I actually want to work in this lab for that long? Could I trust my PI to fund me for that long?...Would I be better off just taking the M.S. and getting a job?! EGAD MY PATHETIC BRAIN CAN'T PROCESS ALL OF THIS.)

Anyway, enough of that. This deserves honorable mention for keeping summer light and bright:


Rules & Timeline
Never thought I'd get back into fandom so deep that I'd participate in one of these, but I'm dragging my creative/dorky side out of the closet again. I'm already busting my butt about as hard as I can bust it in real life, so the hell with it, I say! :P

fanfiction, real life

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