Hanadan 12 and various other ramblings

Feb 10, 2009 14:37

Ep 12 is TONS better than ep 11.

For one, we have the fight squad, otherwise known as F3. Soujiro is so fucking hot he doesn't even take his hands out of his pockets as he fights. THAT'S HOW HE ROLLS.

But before that, Jun Pyo comes to save Jan Di and basically gets the everloving shit kicked out of him. And then Haje goes to break a chair over his body and Jan Di covers him and all I can think is HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THAT MUSTA HURT FO REALS. Because I've honestly never seen them throw the chair so hard in the other versions. THIS could have been enough to actually break your back.  And Jun Pyo cradles her body and keeps calling her name and I basically fall out of my chair flailing.

And then some stuff happens, which I don't understand. BTW, they need to make a Spanish HYD immediately. I need to see this in a language I can actually comprehend. But no American HYD please. That's one alternaverse we DON'T need. (watch it come out in five years. Mark my words)

Oh and the ski trip. But more importantly THE NECKLACE. Which really isn't as important as that whole hug under the coat that he gives her.

And then she looses the necklace and he gets angry at her and throws snowballs at a snowman he made in her image (which made me cackle more than normally so) and his mother's goons come and take him away. And Jan Di goes out looking for the necklace in THE FUCKING SNOW. That's love, people (or stupidity). And Jun Pyo finds out and escapes the goons by ditching them when he goes to the bathroom (...smooth plan there, James Bond). And anyway he finds her and what comes next is my favorite scene.

They are in this shed and she's shivering because her clothes are wet with the snow.  He takes their clothes off and gives her his shirt and covers her with his coat. AND THEN HE'S HALF NAKED. (YAY!) And she makes him huddle with her under the coat AND THEY KISS. #@$#&*^*%^&@$!!#%&

And then time passes and they're supposed to meet for a date and I guess his dad got sick (or died) and he can't make it and has to fly off,...somewhere. And Ji Hoo takes her to the airport but it's too late AND JUN PYO SENDS HER A TEXT SAYING TO WAIT FOR HIM AND THAT HE LOVES HER !#!@%#%#$%

...*cough* I thought it was a good episode.

In other news, I'm also watching the k-drama Which Star Are You From? I really like the OTP. I'm not normally much of a fan of Kim Rae Won, but he is adorable. The girl is really cute too. Not annoying or anything. That's something I can REALLY appreciate.

Am still loving Being Human. Still loving Mei-chan no Shitsuji (actively shipping Mei/Rihito like a fiend). There's not much else on tv at the moment, so that's about it. Oh! Leverage. That's still good and I'm very glad it got a second season.

Oh, and has anybody heard that the rights for the fourth Twilight book have been bought? Listen, I make it no secret that I love to mock Twilight. I mock it because it almost takes itself so serious in some parts and I feel that by poking fun I'm only balancing the universe again. But I honestly think the fourth book is just incredible in its stupidity. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE MOVIE.

Also, if I ever learn how to make icons I'll make A TON out of this pic. www.cafepress.com/cp/moredetails.aspx

Some things are just too creepy not to immortalize in the form of an icon.

creepy shit yay, k-hanadan, dramas, which star are you from?, twilight

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