there's gotta be more

May 07, 2008 22:22

i've noticed lately that a bunch of people have been posting notes on facebook about how they basically feel like shit or that they're not happy with the way life is going.

each time, after i read them, i think to myself, "what are they really trying to accomplish through this? people to change? something to change? honestly, what good is spilling your heart on facebook going to do?" and then i realized that while i believe that each and every person who writes a note about themselves definitely feels that way, whether they realize it or not, it's for attention. so immediately my first reaction was to go to livejournal and talk about that. but then i have another revelation- what makes that so different than me writing this on livejournal? nothing. nothing at all.

but what i've also noticed is that when someone writes a note, or a livejournal entry, or a xanga entry, or whatever, is that people comment it and are essentially talking to the note, not to that person. it's never truly discussed. therefore it's quite hard for things to change when the only discussion you've had on the subject has been to a computer screen. that, and most of the time the people who are commenting always end by saying "i'm here if you want to talk." well, actions speak louder than words. if we would all stop sitting in front of our computer screens commenting and call, or see, or hell even IM the person, anything to have a direct conversation. THAT'S showing that you're there. i mean, it's good to let them know, through whatever channels, because it just feels good to know that people read what was on your mind and cared enough about it to say something. i don't want to offend anyone through this if that's how they choose to show their acknowledgment, just.. idunno.

i think that the reason we all post things publicly rather than putting them in a journal or someplace confidential is that shallowest, yet most human one of all- deep down, we just want people to react to what we're saying, feeling, thinking. we want acknowledgment for all that, just to know every now and then people are still listening. is that a bad thing? no, not at all. it's just sad that we have to go to such lengths to speak our feelings and that there's not a real person we can talk to about whatever it is that's made us so self-loathing. it's sad that unless we spill our hearts publicly we never know if people actually care. it's so rare that someone will spontaneously go, one-on-one, "how are you really doing?" it's so hard to know if people are really listening.
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