(no subject)

Mar 26, 2008 23:50

Wow, it's been forever and a year since I posted here. I'm still writing like mad but I'm fairly sure I burned out my Rayne muse....I still love to read it but I can't force it out to save my life. I am, however, writing some Buffy/Supernatural fics which brings me to this posting. It's a sneak peak of three Dawn/Dean pairing fics that I'm writing that I have yet to post. Warning, they are not spell checked or edited in anyways. And I in no way guarantee to finish any of them, they're just peaks, though if you want to vote to see which one I should continue and post, that's cool.

Fiction 1-Dean knocks up Dawn-warning underage sex though not explict

"What the hell?" Dean Winchester starts to pull back, shock evident in his eyes.

"No, don't." Dawn Summers protests, her eyes briefly closing.

"Son of a bitch." Dean growls. "Damn it, you should have told me. I would have never…"

"Yeah, I'm starting to realize that." Dawn cuts in. "Just don't move, I've read about…"

"Read, you're getting your knowledge out of books." Dean says disbelievingly.

"Yeah, well, as you can tell, this is my first time." Dawn shifts slightly, trying to get more comfortable. "I've never actually gotten passed first base."

"Son of a bitch." Dean growls again, trying to pull away again.

"Uh, no." Dawn shifts her weight again and then wraps her legs around his waist, ankles interlocking.

"Hey, let me go." Dean tries to pull away for the third time but he can't; she's got some pretty damn strong legs.

"Just let me…" Dawn squints, focusing completely on her lower body. She's read about this, if can just find…

"Holy fuck!" Dean groans, hands fisting next to her head.

"Yes." Dawn exclaims and then does it again. And again. And then again. The forth time she clenches her lower body, Dean cums with a shout, head bowing.

Dean grunts loudly as he cums, his toes actually curling as Dawn's tight body bares down on his. He rolls off her, her legs unlocking, and collapses against the pillow next to her.

"That was it?" Dawn props herself up onto her elbows. Her lower body is slightly sore, sticky, and swollen; and completely unsatisified.

"Hey!" Dean shouts, insulted. "Give me a second; I wasn't expecting that."

"Okay, okay." Dawn plops back down, arms crossing under her head. "I'll just wait here then until you've recovered and all."

"You're a smartass, anyone tell you that?" Dean glares at her, still trying to catch his breath.

"Yep, all the time." Dawn grins, her eyes drifting closed. God, her sister would kill her. Or probably Dean. Hell, she's pretty sure Dean might just let Buffy if he found out the truth. Pretty sure he'd freak out if he knew she wasn't the twenty-one that she told him, rather only sixteen.

It's wrong and unfair to him, he should know that bit of information, but having almost died, and really, really almost dying, a month ago, along with Spike being gone…she needed something. Something completely separate and away from the supernatural. She found Dean in a bar she snuck into, something Spike taught her how to do ages ago, and challenged him to a game of pool. Then kicked his ass. Three times. He didn't handle that very well. It was actually cute, the way he pouted. So, he bought her dinner, an early breakfast for winning, and then they ended up here. In his hotel room. Oh, her sister would kill them both. It's just a good thing she's too busy trying to get everything situated for the move to England to notice anything Dawn does. Hell, she probably won't notice if she doesn't come home tonight.

"Okay then, let's get started." Dean rolls onto his back and tugs Dawn on top of him.

Dawn squeals and then moans, Dean's hands in places nobody's touched. "Okay, maybe this is a little better."


Dawn rolls over, face rubbing against the Dean scented pillow under it. She doesn't have to open her eyes to know the bed next to her is empty so she lifts her hand up to feel along the pillow. Like she expected, she encounters a napkin. She rolls onto her back, one hand turning on the light next to the bed while the other unfolds the napkin.

'Don't move your sweet ass out of that bed, I'll be back in a few hours.'

It's not signed but she knows it's from Dean, she's learned his handwriting over the past two weeks. She doesn't listen though, unlike him, she just can't lounge about naked; he would stay naked all the time if he didn't have to go outside, hell sometimes she thinks he'd go naked outside if he wouldn't get arrested. She grabs one of his dirty tee shirts off the ground, 'AC/DC' printed across the front, and pads to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, she walks out, hair wet and body pink from her shower. And starving. A phone call later and a pizza is on the way. She plops back onto the bed that she's been sharing with Dean and grabs the remote. Five minutes of clicking shows what she thought; there's never anything good on television. Nothing else to do, she turns on the radio and does some stretching. Remarkably, two weeks of doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and having sex hasn't really done much to her body. Her upper thighs are a bit slimmer, more muscular and she's ten times more flexible but that's about it. She decides to do some Tai Chi, something she's done so many times that she doesn't really have to think about it. About twenty-five minutes later, the door knob jiggles and she turns, expecting to see Dean. Only it's not. It's an older man, about her dad's age, wearing a flannel shirt and worn jeans, muddy boots on his feet. His face is covered in almost a full beard and he's looking at her in complete shock.

"Who are you?"

"Dawn." Dawn steps back a few steps, arms wrapping around her chest. She feels almost completely naked in the small shirt, the fact that she has nothing under it making her feel exposed. "Who are you?"

"John Winchester." John pushes his hands into his pockets. "Father of the shirt you're wearing."

"You're Dean's dad?" Dawn gasps, eyes wide. "Seriously."

"Yes." John pushes a hand through his hair. "Where is my son?"

"Not sure, honestly." Dawn shrugs and then regrets it, the shirt rising up almost to her butt. "He should be back soon."

John nods and sits down. "I'll wait then, maybe you should put on some pants."

"Yeah, I'll…" A knock on the door interrupts her and Dawn crosses the room to the table where her purse is. She digs out a twenty and then walks over to the door. "Hi."

"Hi." A teenage boy, black hair following across his face. He looks up from the ticket in his hand and swallows heavily. "Um, it'll be sixteen-forty."

"Here." Dawn hands him a twenty. "You can keep the change."

"Okay." He nods.

"Um, this is the point where you give me the pizza." Dawn says, hands held out. "You know, product in exchange for currency. It's how the whole capitalism thing works."

"Oh god, I'm sorry." He blushes bright red.

"It's okay." Dawn smiles. "Just give me the pizza now."

"Okay." He hands it to her.

"Thanks." Dawn smiles brightly at him and then turns to move back into the hotel when a familiar car turns off. She turns back around to see Dean climbing out of his Impala, anger tensing his face.

"Get out of here." Dean growls at the delivery boy.

"Dean." Dawn scolds. "What the hell?"

"What the hell are you doing answering the door in that?" Dean gestures, crowding her back into the room with his body.

"Getting my pizza." Dawn replies, turning her back to him and walking into the hotel room.

"Damn it Dawn, you can't answer the door without underwear on." Dean shouts.

"How the hell do you know…"

"I know." Dean interrupts. "What the hell would possess….dad?"

"Hello, son." John leans back in his chair, eyebrow raised in question.

"I'm going to go put some pants on now." Dawn sets her pizza on the table. "I'll be right back."

John waits until the bathroom door shuts before looking at his oldest son.

"Don't." Dean holds up a hand. "I know."

"We're leaving tonight." John says.

"I know, sir." Dean agrees.

"Does she know?"


"When were you planning on telling her?" John asks, opening the box and reaching for a piece of the pie…until he realize what's on it. "What the hell?"

"She loves anchovies." Dean grabs a piece. "They're not half bad, really."

"I'll pass." John makes a face. "How long?"

"Two weeks." Dean says, mouth full of food.

"The entire time you've been here?" John says disbelivingly. He knows his eldest track record with women; get some and then get gone. For Dean to stick around for more than one night is mind-boggling.

"Yep." Dean nods. "Met her in a bar, she kicked my ass at pool. I bought her breakfast and then we came back here."

"Oh my god, way to make me sound like a slut." Dawn exclaims from the doorway.

"I didn't call you a slut." Dean sends her a look.

"No, you just said you picked me up in a bar and I slept with you the same night." Dawn glares at him. "That makes me sound like a slut."

"She's not a slut, sir." Dean says. "Hell, she's as far from a slut as a person can get seeing how she was a virg…"

Dawn smacks Dean on the back of the head, her face turning bright red. "Dean!"

John laughs at the affronted look on Dean's face.

"Now I have to find a hole to crawl into and die." Dawn says. "Thanks a lot."

"How old are you, Dawn?" John questions suspisciosly.

Dawn's saved from answering by her cell phone ringing. She answers it without looking at the caller ID and is greeted by a very pissed off Brit.

"Dawn Summers, where the bloody hell are you?"

"Giles, chill." Dawn rolls her eyes, pulling the phone a little ways from her ear. "I'm…out."

"I can bloody well see that seeing how you're not here." Giles roars angrily. "You have twenty minutes to get your arse back here before I send out the troops, do you understand me?"

"First off, you're not my father." Dawn turns her back to Dean and his father. "Secondly, it'll take more than twenty minutes to get there."

A few moments of silence follow. "I apologize Dawn, that was unnecessary. I was worried when I couldn't find you. It is very dire that you come back immidietely."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Dawn agrees.

"And we will discuss where you've been for the past two weeks." Giles says. "It was very clever telling Robin you were staying with your father until your father called Buffy from Spain to see how you two are doing."

"Shit." Dawn mutters.

"I will see you soon."

Dawn ends the call and shoves the phone back into her purse, muttering under her breath about nosy Brits. Which makes her think of Spike and she bites her lip to keep from crying. Wordlessly, she walks into the bathroom and grabs up all her things, kicking her suitcase open with a bare foot and shoving everything into it. She tosses her clothes into it just as quickly until every evidence of her being there is gone.

"Dawn, who was that?" Dean asks, watching as she shoves a pink bra into the suitcase.

"Giles…he's um, a librarian actually." Dawn shrugs. "He's sort of a surragate uncle. And I have to go."

"Where?" Dean asks.

"Back to where we're staying." Dawn replies, turning to look at him. "We're going to England in a couple weeks."

"I'll leave you two alone." John pushes to his feet. "Dawn, it was nice meeting you."

"You too." Dawn smiles at him. "Take some pizza."

"No thanks." John wrinkles his nose and gives his son a look before walking out of the hotel room.

"So, you're just leaving?" Dean arches an eyebrow.

"So are you, aren't you?" Dawn arches an eyebrow back.

"Yeah." Dean admits.

"Then I guess this is it." Dawn says.

"Guess it is." Dean nods, arms crossed over his shoulder, one foot propped up on the end of the bed while the other is flat on the floor.

Dawn reaches for her suitcase but stops halfway and throws herself at Dean.

Dean catches Dawn with a grunt, the back of his chair banding violently against the windowsill. His hands thread through her long locks as her pulls her mouth to his in a deep, violent kiss.

The sex is hard and fast, Dean throwing her to the bed and tugging her clothes off within seconds. Her fingers fumble in his waistband, shoving the tight denium down his hips.
Dean rests his forehead on Dawn's, panting for breath. "One more time."

"K." Dawn agrees, flipping them over. "Only I'm on top this time."


"Don't." Dean warns, loading his clothes into his duffel. "Just don't."

John doesn't say a word, just watches the play of emotions on his son's face as he packs up the hotel room he shared with Dawn for two weeks. Dean is like him, can bury everything deep inside and use it for the hunt but John hates that he has to do that. He hates what he's turned his boys into but he can't stop, not until the yellow-eyed bastard is dead.


"Next time you need some time to yourself, just tell us." Buffy says. "Don't come up with some huge elibrate lie about it."

"Okay." Dawn agrees, gaze moving from her sister, to Giles, then Willow, and lastly Xander. "I will."

"You could have just said something to Angel, I'm sure he could have found somewhere in that big ole law firm for you to hide out." Buffy finishes. "Just don't take off like that without telling me. I worry."

"Got it." Dawn nods. "Are we done?"

"Yeah, we have to go." Buffy nods towards the door. "You coming?"

"Naw, I think I'll hang out with the broodster." Dawn nods her head to the silent vampire in the corner of the room. "I'll see you later."

The four Sunnydale survivors walk out of Angel's old office in the Hyperian, leaving the key alone with the vampire.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Dawn asks. "I know you can smell it."

"I'm not sure, honestly." Angel replies. "Most likely because Buffy has enough on her plate; she doesn't need this too. Who was he?"

"Just some guy." Dawn drops down beside him on the couch and rest her head on his shoulder. "He made me feel special, like a normal girl. Made me forget. I miss Spike."

"He was in your life for four years." Angel says. "It's understandable that you would grow attached."

"Do you miss him?" Dawn asks.

Angel sighs unneedily. "My feelings for Spike are….complicated."

"That's not an answer." Dawn says.

"Yes." Angel says quietly.

"I thought so." Dawn closes her eyes, breathing in the comforting scent of vampire. Dean's face appears behind her closed eyes and a small, sad smile crosses her lips. She'll miss him.


"Buffy, calm down." Angel orders. "Dawn, go sit down."

"Don't tell me what to do." Buffy and Dawn yell at the same time.

"Buffy, you're going to say something that you will regret." Angel says.

"Like what, that she's throwing her entire life away, a life I sacrafised my own for, because she was stupid enough to fall for some guy's line?" Buffy shouts. "And stupid enough not to use protection."

"I never asked you to jump, Buffy, if you remember, you did that on your own." Dawn shouts back. "And I didn't fall for his lines, I slept with him because I needed to feel like I was real…like I was still alive and we did use protection."

"Obiviously not." Buffy shouts. "You're pregnant."

"Yeah, I'm the one that peed on the damn stick." Dawn crosses her arms over her chest. "Don't worry, this isn't something you need to take care of for me. I don't need you."

"Yes, you do." Buffy glares back. "I'm always cleaning up after you, taking care of your mistakes, and I'll end up doing it now."

"No, you won't." Dawn shakes her head. "I'm not going to England with you. I'm staying here."

Angel and Buffy both look at her.

"Wes offered me a job and I said yes." Dawn replies. "I can get my GED while I'm working and once the baby comes, Wes said I can bring it in to work with me. And that I can stay here if I want to. I don't need you to take care of me anymore, Buffy, I'll be fine on my own."


"So, what's in the envelope?" Dawn asks, one hand braced on her aching back while one rests on her seven month bulge.

"I don't know but you don't need to be standing up." Angel gently grabs Dawn by the elbows and lowers her into a chair. "Did you walk here?"

"No, I flew." Dawn rolls her eyes. "Of course I walked; how else would I get here?"

"You don't…"

"Walking is good for me, well, waddling in my case." Dawn cuts in. "So, open it."

"How was the doctor visit?" Angel asks, leaning back against his desk. He looks up when the rest of his AI team files into his office and then back at Dawn. "Well?"

"I haven't gone yet." Dawn replies, wincing as she rubs her swollen belly. "Open it, us pregnant girls want to know."

With a overdramatic sigh, Angel rips open the envelope. A long chain falls out, a gaudy brooch attached to it. Before he can even register that he's seen it before, Spike is standing in the middle of his office, screaming. "Spike?"

"Spike?" Wesley gasps.

"Blondie-bear?" Harmony sticks her head into the room.

"Oh, god." Dawn moans, holding her belly. "Angel."

"Niblet?" Spike stops screaming, head tilting to the side. "Bit, you're pregnant?"

"My water broke." Dawn cries out. "Oh, god, it's too soon."

"Dawn, it's okay." Angel scoops her up, trying not to wince when his arms get wet. "Wes, call down to the medical room."

"On it." Wes says, running over to Angel's desk.

"Am I in some type of bizarro world?" Spike asks. "Why is bit pregnant?"

"Because I had sex, Spike, why else would I be pregnant?" Dawn cries out, face burrowing into Angel's neck. "Drugs, I would like lots of drugs right now."

"I don't get it." Spike mutters as he follows them out of the room. "Last thing I remember is bursting into flames and now I'm with the poof and my bit is pregnant. Don't make a bit of sense." Then he cocks his head at the skinny brunette next to him. "Who the bloody hell are you?"

-Almost three years later-

"Come here, you." Angel holds out his arms.

"Untle Angel." Mary Joyce Summers exclaims, her tiny legs moving her across the floor and into her second favorite person's arms.

Angel hugs Mary close to his chest, head dipping to breathe in her familiar scent. He loves this little girl. Loves her so damn much. She's his baby and now she's leaving him.

Dawn moves beside them, one hand on her daughter's back while the other rests on Angel's.

"I want you to promise you will call if anything happens." Angel says. "I want you to promise me that if anything feels off, you will call me. I want you to promise…"

"Angel, we're going to be fine." Dawn interrupts with a smile. "It's not like we're going alone. Connor will be there and you know he won't let anything happen to me or Mary."

"I know." Angel agrees. He kisses Mary's head again and then Dawn's. "Be careful, please."

"We will, right baby?"

"Right, mama." Mary cups Angel's chin and kisses it. "I wuv my utle Angel."

"And your uncle Angel loves you." Angel kisses her forehead again.

The rest of the goodbyes are quick, Mary hugging every member of AI goodbye before climbing up Connor's arms and onto his shoulders. Then they leave, loading into a SUV to drive to a small bar that's run by a college friend of Dawn's, Mary singing happily along to the radio.


"Dude, are you sure about this?" Dean Winchester looks over at his brother, a frown furrowing his brow. "This Roadhouse place is in the middle of nowhere and no place."

"I know." Sam Winchester agrees as he massages his temple with two fingers. "But the little girl I saw the Demon attacking is going to be there."

"These visions are starting to creep me out." Dean grumbles, hands tightening around steering wheel. "And how do we know the demon hasn't already gotten this girl?"

"We don't." Sam pushes a hand through his hair. "But I don't think it has."

"Okay." Dean drawls the word out. "What she look like?"

"Dark blonde hair, small, and brown eyes I think." Sam replies. "She's little, maybe three or four."

"And the mom?" Dean asks.

"I didn't see her." Sam shrugs. "I have no idea."


"Well, well, well." Ellen Harvelle clicks her tongue, arms crossing over her chest at who just walked through her door. "John Winchester, as I live and breathe."

"Ellen." John Winchester nods.

"Been leaving you messages for months." Ellen grabs a bottle of beer and pops the lid off before sliding it across to the hunter. "What took you so damn long?"

"Where's the girl?" John asks.

Ellen laughs. "You don't ever change, do you? It's always about the job."

John takes a swig out of his beer in response.

"Joanne Beth met them in town and she's going to bring them out here." Ellen says. "So you might as well have a seat because it might be a while."

With a sigh, John sits down, cradling his beer in one hand.

Ellen wipes down the bar, cleaning it up as best she can before the night crowd starts trickling in. They don't talk, neither wanting to be the first to talk. Needless to say, they both breathe a sigh of relief when the front door opens.

"You're an as…butthole, Connor." Jo growls over her shoulder.

"And you're nothing but a little girl playing with things that you don't understand." Connor growls back.

"My father was a hunter." Jo turns to face him, hands on her hips. "I've grown up around hunters."

"You ever hunted anything on your own?" Connor asks.

Jo falters.

"That's what I thought, sweetheart." Connor smirks. "I started hunting around the same age that you would have been playing with barbies. You're just another stupid human meddling in the supernatural and it's going to get you killed."

Jo's eyes widen and her fist connects with Connor's stomach; he just laughs.

"Joanne Beth Harvelle!" Ellen shouts.

"Mom, he's an asshole." Jo defends. "A condesending, self-righteous, egotistical asshole."

"Asthole." A small, sweet voice lisps. "Asthole. Asthole. Asthole."

Jo groans.

"Way to go, Jo." Dawn switches the large bag she always carries to the ground and holds out her hands to her daughter. "Come here, baby."

"Asthole. Asthole. Asthole." Mary chirps happily. "Tonner asthole."

"Baby, we don't say that word." Dawn props her daughter onto her right hip, gently brushing away the blonde trendals of hair that escaped her pigtails. "It's a potty word."

"Liked utle Th'pike?" Mary cocks her head, her lisp more pronounced this close to naptime.

"Yeah, pumpkin, like uncle Spike." Dawn agrees. "Jo didn't mean to say a potty word, right Jo?"

"Um, yeah." Jo agrees. "Sorry."

"T'okay." Mary shyly buries her face in Dawn's shoulder, brown eyes looking around the room. "Mama, I gotta pee-pee."

"It's back there." Jo nods.

"Thanks." Dawn smiles at her friend. "Connor, behave."

"Yeah, Tonner, behave." Mary points her finger.

Connor growls playfully at the little girl, causing her to giggle.

Dawn smiles at her daughter's happy giggles and starts to walk towards the door that Jo nodded at when a man standing at the bar catches her eyes. He look a little older, a lot more scruffy, and way more tired, but it's the same man that she met for brief minutes all those years ago. Mary's grandfather. "John?"

John scowls, eyes focused on the little girl in the arms of one of his son's ex-lovers. "Dawn, was it?"

"Yeah." Dawn smiles despite the pounding in her heart. She glances around the room for Dean but to her relief and dread, he's not here. "It's nice seeing you again."

John nods. "This your daughter?" The little girl in question is hiding her face but he can make out blonde hair and brown eyes, much too familiar brown eyes. She's wearing a jean skirt with pink hose, huge brown boots on her feet that reach her knees and a black tee-shirt with pink writing that he thinks might say 'Back In Black: AC/DC' but he has to be wrong because he's fairly sure a little girl wouldn't be wearing a hard rock band tee-shirt. He puts her to be around two or three, maybe younger given how little she is.

"Yeah, she's my baby." Dawn shifts Mary to her other hip. "If you'll excuse us, she has to use the restroom." Dawn doesn't wait for John to respond, just crosses the bathroom as fast as she can without running. She knew one day she would have to face Dean again, and even if he's not here, John's smart enough to count the dates and figure out that Mary is his granddaughter. Hell, all he has to hear is her name to know the truth. That and really look at her little girl's face. While Mary's frame is small and frail like hers was as a child, her attitude is all Dean. She smirks like her father and pouts like him too. And her scowl, it's all Dean Winchester. She has his eyes too. In reality, she only gets her chin, nose, and frame from Dawn, everything else she gets from her dad.

"Mama, who'th that?" Mary asks, dancing in place, one hand tucked between her legs. "Hurry, mama, I gotta pee-pee."

Dawn tugs Mary's tights and panties down and after lining the seat with one of the paper liners provided, lifts her daughter onto the toilet. "He was someone I knew before I had you."

"Untle Angel know him?" Mary asks.

"No, baby, uncle Angel doesn't know him." Dawn replies. "Nobody but me knows him."


"Dude, I take back everything I've ever said about your visions or whatever." Dean exclaims as he pulls into the empty parking lot of The Roadhouse.

"That's dad's truck." Sam states.

"That's dad's truck." Dean agrees, pulling up beside their father's vehicle. A few places over is a black SUV with California license plates.

Sam climbs out of his brother's Impala, nodding at the SUV. "Looks like somebody's a long way from home."

Dean just grunts, mind flashing back to firm limbs, thick brown hair, and soft moans. Almost four years later, and just hearing the state brings her back. But he pushes the thought of the only lover he didn't want to leave out of his mind and follows his brother into the bar. And right into a very tense situation.


Connor leans against a wooden pillar in the room, long legs crossed in front of him. Jo is still glaring at him, though she's now standing next to her mother behind the bar. The man Dawn addressed as John is staring at him but Connor doesn't acknowledge it. He knows with one sniff that this man is Mary's grandfather and is reading himself to make a quick escape if that's what Dawn wants. Because after all, he promised his father that he would protect the mother and daughter and he won't fail on that promise. Ever.

"Jo, you want to introduce your little friend." Ellen orders.

"He's not my friend." Jo scowls. "And his name is Connor. He's a friend of Dawn's."

"Boyfriend?" John questions curiously.

"No." Connor cocks his head slightly, a loud car pulling into the parking lot. But he knows they're human before the car even turns off, he can smell it. "Dawn doesn't date. My father is her best friend and squirt's godfather."

John arches an eyebrow. "Your father is her best friend?"

"Yeah, you're not the only one to think it's strange." Connor says. "Especially since Dawn's sister Buffy is also my father's ex-girlfriend."

"The kid's father, who is he?" John demands.

"That's none of your business." Connor replies.

"Son, that wasn't a request." John says warningly.

"I figured by the tone of your voice that it wasn't a request." Connor agrees. "Still doesn't mean it's any of your business."

John straightens fully, his rather intimidating frame moving closer to the lanky twenty-something old.

Connor continues to lean against the pillar, arms crossed over his chest, not the least bit intimidated. If he were a normal human, he would be, but having grown up in hell and been fighting creatures that would make most men shit themselves since he was a small child, he's not intimidated by much. Then the front door opens and in walks somebody that does have him tensing. Two brothers, the sons of the man currently standing only a foot away from him…but more importantly, one of them Mary's father.

John glances at the opening door and does a double take. "Dean? Sam?"

"Hey, dad." Dean says, shooting a strange look between his father and the twenty-something year old that he looks ready to pummel. "Problem?"

John ignores the question and crosses the floor to hug both of his sons. "I don't know why you're here but it's good to see you two."

Sam hugs his father back, the months since Chicago too damn long.

John ruffles Sam's overly long hair with a fond smile, his son's favorite way of rebelling actually amusing him more than it pisses him off, now. "Why are you two here?"

Dean looks around the room, noting the hot blonde with a smirk, before looking back at his father. "It's about, you know."

"The demon." John says.

Dean arches a brow, completely surprised by his father talking so openly about the Demon.

"Yeah." Sam glances at his brother for a second. "The Demon's going to attack some little girl, dark blonde hair, brown eyes, about three or four."

"Technically, the demon already did." Connor says from his position against he wall. "Or at least a demon did. Black cloak, yellow eyes, pretty damn intense."

"That's him." John clenches his fists. "What happened?"

"I wasn't there the first time it attacked squirt." Connor replies. "My father caught it trying to force blood down squirt's throat, she was about six months old then. He cut its head off with an axe and the demon disingrated so he figured it was just an everyday demon attack. Then, about two months ago, the demon attacked her again. Willow, she's a witch, happened to be there and zapped it or something like that, I'm not big on magic, before it could get Ma…squirt."

"Who the hell is squirt?" Dean frowns. "Who the hell are you?"

"Connor." Jo says. "He's a friend of a girl I met when I went to UCLA for a few months two years ago. Though I don't understand why he had to come with her…."

"Bodyguard." Connor interrupts. "It's the only way my father would let her come."

Dean can't help but smirk. "You're a bodyguard?"

Connor's mouth opens but is cut off by a familiar squeal and giggle. He pushes off the wall and braces himself for the attack; he's not disappointed.

Dean automatically reaches for his weapon when a loud, high-pitched squeal echoes through the room, but the girly giggles that follows has him checking that. A tiny girl runs into the room, giggling loudly as she looks behind herself.

"Tonner, Tonner, help." Mary giggles loudly. "Mama's tickwin' me."

Connor omps as the almost three year old hits his legs, hand reaching out automatically to steady her. She runs around him to hide behind his legs, her head peaking out the side with another giggle. "Tome find me, mama."

Sam can't help but smile at the innocent, happiness of the little girl. It's the same girl from his visions, though she seems much more familiar in person than in his visions. And thankfully alive.

Dawn follows her little girl's giggles, a smile on her face, which fades off the second she enters the bar. Because standing only a few feet from Mary is her father.

"Dawn?" Dean gasps, mouth dropping open.

"Mama, finded me." Mary claps her hands and then runs over to Dawn.

"Yeah, baby, I found you." Dawn lifts Mary up, her hands shaking as she does so.

"Dawn, you want…." Connor starts.

"No, it's fine." Dawn interrupts, shooting the destroyer a look. She knows all she has to do is say the word and Connor will take down (not out) the entire room so she can get Mary out without having to explain anything. But she doesn't want that. She's always known that this would happen one day, she just didn't think it would be now or like this. "Do me a favor, take her outside please."

Connor frowns but wordlessly grabs the little girl from Dawn's arms.

"But mama, I tay wif you." Mary pouts, a slight whine in her voice.

"Baby, mama has to talk to these nice men for a minutes about grownup stuff." Dawn says.

Mary just scowls. "Untle Angel don't make me leave."

"Uncle Angle lets you do whatever you want." Dawn can't help but smile.

"Cuz he loves me." Mary says, not an ounce of doubt in her voice. "Mama?"

"What baby?" Dawn reaches up to brush the hair out of Mary's face again, her little girl looking close to falling asleep.

"You talk to them bout the demon?" Mary asks quietly.

"Yeah, pumpkin." Dawn replies. "They've been hunting the demon for a long time."

"T'kay." Mary yawns. "I don’t w'iked the demon. He t'careded me."

"I know he did." Dawn brushes a kiss across Mary's forehead, still shaken herself by the demon attack. "Can you be a big girl and go outside with Connor for me?"

"Yeah." Mary sighs. "Tan we play tatch, Tonner."

Connor looks at Dawn.

"No more than ten feet, Connor Angel." Dawn warns. "Or I'll hurt you."

"Ten feet." Connor agrees. "Come on, squirt, let's go make you fly."

Mary claps her hands loudly, giggling even louder when Connor runs out of the bar.

Dead silence follows their leave, Dean still staring at Dawn in shock, Sam looking between them, and John clenching his fists, staring at the closed door. Which opens suddenly, the little girl tearing back inside, a huge smile on her face.

"Mama, mama." Mary squeals loudly.

Dawn catches Mary, lifting her up with a frown. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" She glances over her daughter's shoulder to see an apologatic look on Connor's face.

"Impawa." Mary squeals excitedly. "Impawa outside, just like daddy's."

"Impala?" Sam repeats, the 'daddy' part not even registering.

"Uh huh." Mary turns her head to nod excitedly at the stranger. "My daddy gots one. It used to be dranpa's but he gived it to daddy, right mama?"

Not looking up from her daughter's face, Dawn nods. "That's right, baby."

"Your daddy has an Impala?" John says quietly. "And you've seen it."

"Mama showed me a picture but daddy's fighting demons wif drandpa and untle Tammy like aunt Buffy does." Mary replies. "He sended me a tuffed Impawa for Cwismas, mama put it in the bag."

"Okay, baby, you have to go back outside with Connor." Dawn hands her back to the destroyer.

"Can I play in the Impawa?" Mary asks hopefully.

"No, baby, it's not ours." Dawn shakes her head.

"But I wanna." Mary pouts.

"No." Dawn says firmly.

"But I wanna." Mary pouts, her voice whining even more.

"Mary Joyce Summers, you heard what I said." Dawn gives her daughter a look, ignoring the audible gasps from the three men a few feet from her. "Go outside with Connor and don't touch the Impala."

Mary scowls, arms crossed over her chest.

"Holy hell." Sam mutters, mouth dropping open at the sight of his brother's scowl on the little girl's face.

"Bad bad word." Mary scolds.

"Sorry." Sam automatically apologizes.

"T'kay." Mary smiles at him. "Tome on, Tonnor. You trow me high, right?"

Connor tosses her a few feet into the air, catching her effortlessly. "Ten feet or less, squirt. You heard your mama."

Mary giggles. "Mama tan't tee."

Connor flips her over and then slings her across his shoulder, Mary giggling the whole time, and leaves the bar with one last look at Dawn.

Dawn nods slightly, a message that it's okay for him to leave her. The door shuts again and as two rather intimidating Winchester men stare her down, Sam and John, she fights the urge to chase after Connor.

Dean stumbles over to the bar, his head spinning and stomach churning. His hands clench around the wooden counter and he can't focus on anything.

"She's Dean's kid, isn't she?" John asks even though he already knows the answer. He just saw the goddamn answer when the little girl scowled; that look was pure Dean.

"You have to ask?" Dawn replies, arms crossed defensively over her chest.

"Yes." Dean whispers hoarsely, his head bowed and back tense.

"Yes, she's your daughter." Dawn replies.

His knees close to buckling, Dean stumbles backwards until he hits a barstool. He already knew the answer, could see it in her face, but hearing the words knocks his world of its axis. "You didn't tell me."

"I didn't find out until four months after we parted ways." Dawn says. "And I did try to find you but it's almost as if Dean Winchester doesn't exist. I found your high school diploma and a few jobs but pretty much nothing after that."

"You had my cell number." Dean turns his head to look at her.

"I tried it, it wasn't in service anymore." Dawn replies. "I've been looking every couple months, trying to find something on you, but nothing's come up. Granted, with everything that's been going on, it's been about six months since I looked last time but I have been trying. You're not an easy person to find, Dean. But I have looked."

"How did you know we hunt if you couldn't find anything on Dean?" Sam asks suspiously.

"I didn't." Dawn replies. "I just told Mary that. She didn't start asking about her daddy until about seven months ago. The demon fighting thing, she gets. She knows that's why her aunt Buffy doesn't visit very much. I knew that she would understand that as why her daddy, grandpa, and uncle didn't visit very much. Or actually at all but she doesn't know that. The fact that you're actually a hunter is a coincidence."

"You're a hunter?" John asks.

"Yes." Jo answers.

"No." Dawn says at the same time.

"Dawn, you are so a hunter." Jo argues. "You saved my ass when those vamps attacked me."

"That wasn't a big deal, only a couple fledges." Dawn says. "Maybe, before Mary, I was going to hunt demons. But now I just do the research thing. I can fight, my sister and Angel taught me, but I'm not a fighter. I better at research and I enjoy doing it more, most of the time."

"What did you tell her about me?" Dean asks quietly.

"Everything that I remembered, except for the sex parts." Dawn replies. "She doesn't….she idolizes you, Dean, you're her hero. I told her what car you drove and she wanted a picture. Told her to what kind of music you listened to, she wanted to listen to it. She absorbed every bit of information I gave her about you like a sponge."

He doesn't know why but he's glad that Dawn lied to her. He's glad that the little girl thinks he's some type of hero and not a deadbeat that didn't give a shit about her.

"I can't imagine how hard this is for you, Dean." Dawn says quietly. "And quite frankly, it's pretty damn scary for me too. I didn't….I thought I would be more prepared when it came time to find you, that it would be on my terms. I never in a million years thought it would be by stumbling upon you in a bar I'm supposed to be getting demon intel."

"I'm so goddamn sorry that I ruined you plans." Dean replies sarcastically.

Dawn takes a deep breath, teeth grinding slightly to keep from snapping back. "Look, I can tell you need some time to….digest all of this so why don't we just exchange information tomorrow."

"Where are you taking her?" Dean asks, his natural protective side raring up. He can't completely grasp it yet but she is his daughter and that brings out a protective urge that not even Sammy inspired.

"Back to the hotel where we're staying." Dawn replies, the emotion in his voice concerning Mary both bothering and distressing her. She's not ready to share Mary with another parent. "Jo knows where it is and she has all my numbers. Just deal with this however you need to deal with it and then call me."

"Are you going to tell her?" Dean clenches his fists.

"That's not my choice, that's yours." Dawn says. "This can't just be a 'hi, I'm your dad' and then you taking off thing, though Dean. She's never met you but she loves you. You're her hero. And if you're not prepared to actually be her father, then I'd rather her not know. Don't break her heart because you have the ability to do so."

Dean nods, not really knowing what to say.

"Okay, then, I'm going to go." Dawn walks over to her large bag and squats down to dig through it. After a few seconds, she finds what she's looking for and walks it over to Dean. "Do you have a computer?"

"I have a laptop." Sam says.

"Okay, good." Dawn hands Dean a DVD. "It's something I started making after I found out I was pregnant. Mary wanted to make you a movie for Christmas so we did; she thinks I sent it to you. Watch it or don't, that's entirely up to you." She starts to leave but stops before she reaches the door, her head turning back to look at Dean. "I don't want you to feel pressured into being a dad. I've been raising Mary on my own and I'm prepared to keep doing so. She would love to have you in her life but I don't want you to hate her because you feel obligated to do so. If you don't want to be her dad, that's fine. We'll just exchange info and go our separate ways." Then she walks out the door, leaving complete silence behind her.

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