(no subject)

Jun 18, 2007 05:27

Title: Chapter 2
Series: The ecstasy of grief
Author: Sevangel
Disclaimer: Not mine, everything here belong to Joss Whedon; no copyright infringement is implied and I'm not using them for anything other than entertainment
Rating: R (There is sexual acts between a sixteen year old and a vampire. If this bothers you, don't read any further. If you are not the legal age to read such things, don't go any further. There is sex ahead people and only those permitted and those that want to read should press the 'click me' button.


Spike tosses his duster onto a chair and then drops down on the couch, dirty booted feet moving up to rest on the coffee table. Tonight's patrol was a bust, the hellmouth too bloody quiet for his piece of mind. He needed to kill something, slaughter something with his bare hands, but all he met was fledges. Morning's coming soon and one sniff tells him his bit is the only person in the house. The witches must have stayed over at the whelp's place.

The poof was right; they're bloody idiots. They leave a young virgin alone with a sadistic vampire that five years ago, would have raped her to death. And they do it nightly with thinking twice about it. It's this bloody generation; they trust electronics too damn much. A little bit of wire and electrodes is the only thing that keeps him from what he truly is.

He won't kill her, his bit. Not now. Before, he would have but now….he'd love to turn her. She'd make the most beautiful vampire. But that's not going to happen anytime soon, not with the sodding chip. He's stuck, sitting back and seeing what he wants every bloody second of every bloody day but being able to do nothing about it. For now.


He's on his feet and up the stairs in the space of one heartbeat. He bypasses Joyce and Buffy's rooms and heads straight for Dawn's. Even with the lights off, he can make her out clearly, thrashing on her bed in the midst of a nightmare. She's had a good amount since the slayer died but this is the first time she's screamed bloody murder. She's terrified; he can smell it and he stops, eyes closed as he basks in it. Her fear is delicious. Intoxicating. Hell, most of him wants to stand here and let her ride through the nightmare just so he can smell it but she's his bit and he can't do that to her. So pushing past his demon's desires, he sits down on the edge of her headboard. "Niblet, wakey-wakey."

She just continues to thrash.

"Bit, wake up." Spike nudges her shoulder. "Come on, you're gonna wake up the dead."

She still continues to thrash.

"Sweetening, wake up." Spike leans down to whisper in her ear. "Gotta wake up now."

She slowly opens her eyes then, the blue-green globes full of tears. "Spike?"

"Right here, bit." Spike says. "Nightmare?"

Dawn nods and throws herself at his body.

Oh, hell, he's in trouble now. Her tiny, tight shaking body is on his lap, her bare and endlessly long legs under his hand. Her tears warm the skin of his neck and her small breasts push against his arm. All in all, it doesn't take but a few moments until he's hard under her. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Ben." Dawn whispers, her voice shaking. "We were in the alley and…."

"And what bit?" Spike prods, nuzzling her cheek with his face. He could sit here all night and just smell her. Fear, pain, confusion, and just the slightest bit of arousal. Which increases as he nuzzles her face.

"He cut me up and then he…" She can't say the last word so she just buries her face against his cool neck. Cool not cold. His skin isn't cold like books like to say about vampires but instead is just cool. He smells like pennies, cigarettes and whisky, three scents that are becoming her favorite.

"Then what, pet?" Spike murmurs into her ear. "You gotta say it, bit, let it out."

"He raped me, Spike, is that what you want to hear?" Dawn pulls back from him, her big eyes wet with tears. "Do you want all the nasty details? How he held me down and ripped my panties off. How even if it wasn’t real, I could still feel him pushing inside me until I thought I was going to die. Does that help get you off?"

"Bite that tongue, niblet." Spike growls warningly. "This isn't about me getting off."

Dawn shifts her weight on his lap, her face and chest blushing bright red from the hardness under her ass. Spike's hardness. Spike growls lowly, his hands tightening around her waist. "Sweetening, for your own sake, you better sit still."

"Sorry." Dawn whispers.

"S'okay, luv." Spike, in a uncharacteristically sweet gesture, kisses her forehead. "I think it's time for you to go back to sleep."

Dawn buries her face back in his neck and nods. "Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"If I was a better man or a man at all, I'd say no and leave." Spike murmurs. "Lay down, bit."

Dawn crawls back up the bed and under the covers, brushing the tears off her face with the heels of her hands.

Spike lays his coat across the back of Dawn's desk chair and then sits down on the edge to remove his boots. "How many of my shirts have you stolen, bit?"

"A couple." Dawn squints her eyes, trying to see what he's doing but since her room is pitch dark, she can't make him out.

Spike drops his boots next to her desk and crawls down on her bed.

Dawn's had the same bed since she was ten. It's a twin size bed, the mattress perfectly tuned to her body. But it's not big. At all. She realizes how small her bed really is when Spike lays down beside her. She can feel him along side her, though he's on top of the covers and she's underneath them. His body weight traps her in, holding the covers down until she feels completely trapped. "Spike, I can't breathe. You have to get under the covers."

With a dramatic sigh, Spike stands up and whips the covers down before lying back down on her small mattress and covering them both up with her small comforter.

The next few minutes are filled with a teenager flopping around, attempting to get comfortable. Spike allows her movements until she knees him in the upper thigh at which point he wraps one arm around her waist. "Lay still."

"I can't get comfortable." Dawn complains. "My bed's not big enough for two people."

"No, it's not." Spike agrees. "And it's even smaller with you wiggling around like some type of rodent."

Dawn rolls her eyes as she snuggles into Spike's body. "Spike?"

"What?" Spike growls.

"Night." Dawn whispers.

Spike's hand tightens around her side for a moment. "Night, bit."


"How was patrol?" Dawn asks.

"Okay." Spike tosses his coat over the back over the back of her desk chair and sits down on the end of her bed to take off his boots. "Glenda and Red at the whelps?"

"Of course." Dawn pulls the blanket down for Spike and scoots towards the edge of the bed while she waits for Spike to finish getting ready for bed. It's a ritual she's done for two weeks, every since that first night. Her curtains are now dark blue, the darkest ones they have in the house with a black sheet blocking the curtains from the sun. So basically, her room is as dark as the basement. Spike strips down to his jeans and crawls into her bed, smelling like pennies, cigarettes and whisky. Her lower belly clenches in that good way, the way that only Spike makes happen, and she snuggles into him with a contented sigh.

"You changed soap." Spike murmurs, the sharp scent of cinnamon assaulting his nose. There's an underlying scent of vanilla that coats her skin and the unmistakable scent of Dawn. Her body is draped along his in the most torturing of ways, like it is every night, but instead of just falling to sleep with her, Spike runs his hand down her side to rest at the top of her thigh. "Turn over onto your other side, bit."

Dawn swallows at the huskiness in Spike's voice but doesn't argue. She can't. She's very aware that something is about to happen and she's filled with excitement and just a smidgen of fear. Janice, her best friend, lost her virginity to the captain of the football team right before school ended and told Dawn all the details. About how much it hurt and how the books have it all wrong. Janice didn't like sex, didn't think it was worth the trouble and pain. Instinctively, Dawn knows it's not going to be the same here. For one thing, Spike isn't some high school boy. He's a century plus vampire that knows what's he's doing, she's fairly sure. For another, the tingles she gets just from him looking at her kinda gives her the clue that whatever else he wants to do, is going to be just as nice.

Spike growls faintly when Dawn's full bum nestles against his groan. His fingers trace small circles on her upper thigh and a smirk settles across his lips when she sighs. He's been sleeping in her bed for two weeks, smelling her scent, feeling her body against his, and he's honestly surprised he lasted this long. Her skin is so bloody warm, so different from the vampires he normally screws. Her heart is pounding and the sound of the blood rushing through her veins makes him vamp out. That just makes her heart pound more.

Dawn feels Spike's face morph against the back of her neck and she knows she should be scared. And she is. Just not for the reasons she should be. She's scared that she's not enough, that he'll laugh at her…that he won't really want her. She's scared that he's still in love with her sister and that he's just using her as a replacement. But she can't say no.

"Mmm, niblet you smell so bloody good." Spike murmurs against her neck, his fingers dancing up her thighs. They skate over her panties, barely brushing the fabric, and move to trace over her lower belly.

Dawn bites her tongue to keep from moaning, sure that the sound will turn Spike off. His fingers are so cool and rough against her skin, the digits playing over her like she's some sort of instrument. Her nipples are hard and the soft fabric of Spike's shirt over them feels good. His tongue traces over the shell of her ear while his fingers trace over the elastic of her panties.

Spike breathes in the scent of her arousal and waits until her folds are covered before slipping his hand into her panties. She gasps so innocently and he can't help but to grind his cock into her arse. Fear floods her body and he whispers soft words into her ear, thickening his accent in a way that always makes her heart jump.

Dawn's heart jumps when Spike's penis rubs against her butt, the size and hardness scaring her just the smallest bit. Okay, more that the smallest bit if she's honest. Then he whispers into her ear, his voice rich and husky and her belly clenches in that wonderful way. His hand is resting inside her panties, his fingers drumming slightly against her skin. So many feelings are running through her body that she can't really focus on one. The biggest is arousal and there's nothing she can do about that. Right after that is nervousness followed by fear and uncertainty. And like he can read her mind, Spike starts lathing her neck with cool, precise strokes of his tongue while his fingers start stroking her with more firmness.

Spike wants to sink his fangs into the delectable skin of her neck but he knows he can't. The chip doesn't go off with that thought and that honestly surprises him. Maybe it has something to do with his intentions or that fact that Dawn isn't fighting him, but the thoughts floating through his head should be setting off the chip. But he's not about to question his good luck. His bit's wet and warm, her honey coating his fingers like the richest of crèmes.

A tiny gasp leaves Dawn's mouth and she tries to bite it back.

"None of that, bit." Spike scolds, his fingers pressing down more firmly on the soaked folds under them. "I want to hear you. Do you like this?"

Dawn pants and nods her head. "Yes."

"Mmm, that's good, sweetening." Spike slides his other free hand up her body and cups one cloth covered breast while one finger sinks into her tight sheath.

"Ohhh.." Dawn moans, unconsciously gyrating back against Spike's cock.

Spike groans and tightens his fingers around her small tit. He abuses the flesh, kneading and squeezing firmly before plucking on hard nip between his thumb and forefinger, right at the same time that he adds a second finger to her virginal body and grinds his thumb down onto her clit.

Dawn screams. She can't not. Her body explodes and she's pretty sure if Spike wasn't holding her down, she'd float away. Her pussy, she can't think of what else to call it, clenches and clenches, the actions sending bolts of pleasure up and down her spine.

Spike lets his bit come down for a few minutes before pulling his hand out of her panties. He licks every bit of her crème off his hand, his body tightening to the point of pain. He can't wait to taste her for real. But he knows better than to push his prey too far too fast. Instead he turns her towards him and kisses her for the first time.

Dawn sighs against Spike's mouth and then gasps when his tongue sneaks inside. It's her first kiss and if she's honest, it's a little out of her league. Spike kisses like the vampire he is and she can only hope but to keep up. His hardness grinds against her thigh as he worships her mouth, breaking the kiss only when she's close to passing out.

Spike practically humps Dawn's leg, grateful that she's so languid from her first orgasm to realize what he's doing. He bites his lip right before he cums, the blood pushing him over the edge as he empties himself into his pants.

Dawn feels a cool rush of liquid touch her bare thigh and with embarrassed squeal, she realizes Spike just did what she did, only against her leg. But rather than running off and fleeing, Dawn just snuggles against him.

"Bit, I gotta go change." Spike murmurs against her neck.

"M'kay, but you're coming back, right?" Dawn asks.

"Yeah." Spike replies as he stands up. Then, as an afterthought, he snakes his hands under the covers and whips her soaked panties off. "Don't put a new pair on, understand, bit?"

"K." Dawn murmurs, face snuggling into her Spike-scented pillow, already half asleep.

Spike chuckles as he stuffs the panties into his front duster pocket. Then he walks through the slayer's house, his mouth and fingers still scented with the slayer's little sis's crème.

Yeah, he's still the big bad.


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